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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Ingredients in the Shroud

    it is time to increase and even out the drop rate of Large ingredients.
    Argonessen and Khyber Servers - Officer of Aces over Kings and Stormreach Thieves Guild - Antir ~ Raegouli ~ Sussant ~ Servantir

  2. #2
    Community Member Ringos's Avatar
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    I wouldn't argue, but a trade-in feature like they have for the GH relics would be a good start.
    Ringos-JohnDenver-Lillis-Dacta-Erahn-CPants-Jhain : Silver Waffle

    "You assume that Clay is an ass because he's Legion..." Shyver

  3. #3
    Community Member k1dwizard's Avatar
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    it sounds like a great idea, but would they also allow for you to trade in small and mediums for larges? not to get greedy, just figured i would get the question out there.
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  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ringos View Post
    I wouldn't argue, but a trade-in feature like they have for the GH relics would be a good start.
    /agree - have put up a post saying that some time ago
    Argonessen and Khyber Servers - Officer of Aces over Kings and Stormreach Thieves Guild - Antir ~ Raegouli ~ Sussant ~ Servantir

  5. #5
    Community Member krud's Avatar
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    I just checked all my characters to see what my total ingredient pulls were (including those already used in crafting). I have 4 characters running the shroud, 29 total completions, and close to half that many failures (mostly pt2 and some pt4). i've given away a few and recieved a few, so it's probably a wash.

    size   scale   shrap   arrow   stone   chain   bone
    small   19      10      15      20      18      15
    med     11       9      16      20      17      13
    large    7       3       6       7      10      10
    looks like the drops are even, except it seems like my account is gimped for shrapnel. I guess it could be worse.

    anyhow, thats 43 larges in 29 completions. A drop rate of ~1.5 larges per run. figuring the uneveness of drops, it's 8-12 completions to get your tier 3 item. Seems reasonable. I'd still push for 3:1 ingredient swaps, but would have to say no to swapping ingredient sizes.
    Last edited by krud; 10-24-2008 at 08:15 PM.
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  6. #6
    Community Member roggane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krud View Post
    I just checked all my characters to see what my total ingredient pulls were (including those already used in crafting). I have 4 characters running the shroud, 29 total completions, and close to half that many failures (mostly pt2 and some pt4). i've given away a few and recieved a few, so it's probably a wash.

    size   scale   shrap   arrow   stone   chain   bone
    small   19      10      15      20      18      15
    med     11       9      16      20      17      13
    large    7       3       6       7      10      10
    looks like the drops are even, except it seems like my account is gimped for shrapnel. I guess it could be worse.

    anyhow, thats 43 larges in 29 completions. A drop rate of ~1.5 larges per run. figuring the uneveness of drops, it's 8-12 completions to get your tier 3 item. Seems reasonable. I'd still push for 3:1 ingredient swaps, but would have to say no to swapping ingredient sizes.

    if it's only 8-12 runs to get a tier 3 item then there would probably not be any complaints. (on my 2nd strech of 10+ runs and no large scales, that i've kept track of)

  7. #7
    Community Member Jendrak's Avatar
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    I wouldn't say that the drop rate needs to be changed because its supposed to be a little annoying to craft several tier3 items. But adding a 3:1 trade would go a long way to help out players who have crappy luck pulling that certain ingredient.
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  8. #8
    Community Member Kaldaka's Avatar
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    I would agree that something needs to be done ....

    There is only ONE quest you can get ingredients from and ONE quest where you can make the upgrades .... Can you say GRIND GRIND GRIND?
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  9. #9
    Community Member Pyromaniac's Avatar
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    Running shroud is pretty much what's left to do in game. It would be nice to have a 3:1 exchange option, but increasing the drops would mean I'd have nothing left to do in DDO.

    Hmm - yep give me the larges ASAP!

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