I Loaded risia then it wasnt working so i deleted it now i cant go to khyber...
i open ddo starts launch then launch gets stuck on opening main
i deleted it and risia then redownloaded ddo regular mod 7
now i still cant get on
I Loaded risia then it wasnt working so i deleted it now i cant go to khyber...
i open ddo starts launch then launch gets stuck on opening main
i deleted it and risia then redownloaded ddo regular mod 7
now i still cant get on
Can we get a DxDiag and Launcher logs? And a quick peak and the UserPreference.ini.
If you don't know...
DxDiag- open the command prompt, type DxDiag and copy and paste results to Notepad
Launcher logs- open windows menu, type launcher, sift through files til you get most recent, open in notepad, copy.
Userpreference.ini - same as launcher
In the userpreferences.ini change graphics core=d3d10 to d3d9 and it should work.