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  1. #21
    Community Member Barron's Avatar
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    I got a 99 and took it to get out of class twice. Just remember. Recruiters LIE and if lie is too strong a term they will say things like, I have never seen anyone score this high before or get offered this. B.S. Dont let them talk you into doing anything you dont want to do.

    I am currently a Captain in the ANG

  2. #22
    Community Member Yaga_Nub's Avatar
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    As an Army veteran I will say that it's great to have you join the service.

    I will say though that although ATC is cool you can make a TON of money as a civilian diver.

    Oil companies pay big money to have divers working on off-shore oil rigs. Once you learn underwater wielding your salary is mid six-figures per year.

    It is very dangerous but it's probably less stressful than being an ATC.

    Grats and stay in touch with us.
    Characters - Brion, Damerchant, Deathbot, Goode-, Minusten, Sepiriz, Spiritstrike, Stee, Steilh, Vorpaal, Wyllye, Yaga, Yagalicious, Yga. RIP - Catpizzle and Qazpe
    Beware My Gifts!!!

  3. #23
    Community Member Phalcon's Avatar
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    Hey bro im in the army right now and have been for the last few years. Ive been deployed to iraq and all that stuff, and if you want some tips pm me. who knows might save ya some sweat.

    peace bro,


  4. #24
    Relic of the Last War
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    Post I guess some words of advice might be offered after all...

    Quote Originally Posted by Barron View Post
    I got a 99 and took it to get out of class twice. Just remember. Recruiters LIE and if lie is too strong a term they will say things like, I have never seen anyone score this high before or get offered this. B.S. Dont let them talk you into doing anything you dont want to do.

    I am currently a Captain in the ANG
    Yeah, LT in Active AF here and I agree with Barron because I should be a Capt right now -- but they LIED to me, and I enlisted with my degree because it was supposed to be "easier to go to OTS for a rated slot after crewing an F15 for a year."

    I crewed the F15 for 3.15 years. Then I went to OTS and I didn't make pilot, I got Nav. I'm not unhappy, but my four year mark was 5 OCT 08. I'm a little peeved that that could have been double bars on my shoulders due to a TSgt LYING to me. Yes, he lied. He did his job and he lied for America (and in the most patriotic sense I say this). We need enlisted guys. We need'm 'cuz the job doesn't get done without them, but don't believe everything that recruiter says.

    I also scored a 99 and they were "skeptical" that I qualified high enough to do 1 job in the Army (requiring a 92 or something in electrical). Well, I had a 95 or a 97 in that and so I was "qualified" for every job in the united states military enlisted cores (barring I pass any physical requirements for the job).

    Your 70 IS a lot better than many individuals I met during my enlisted tour, so make sure you get the job you WANT in the service YOU WANT.

    You can always back out of any enlistment - even those papers aren't 100% for real. You can basically call "shenanigans" for a lack of a better term (even in BOOT CAMP & during certain points in Tech School Training). Make sure when you're serving your country you're also doing it in a fashion that you can feel serves yourself by making you a better individual that contributes in a way that fills you with pride and prestige. That'll keep your honor if you have your pride and prestige coupled with your duty.

  5. #25
    Community Member ChildrenofBodom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borrigain View Post
    When you say Air Traffic you mean like 15Q?
    Yes sir.
    Quote Originally Posted by Handee
    You are the king of Delayed Blast Fireball.

  6. #26
    Community Member ChildrenofBodom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nbhs275 View Post
    Hmm, i got a 98 on that thing way back when i took it...i wonder how stupid america really is if the average is in the 40s lmao. Anyways good luck, i got alot of buddies serving and overseas and have to say it takes some balls to sign up. I know i wasn't up for it. I like to sleep in
    The way they score the ASVAB has changed a lot over the years. For instance, my dad's score was off the charts, he basically got pretty much all the questions right, and he definately isn't the brightest guy I know. He isn't stupid by any means, but definately not off the charts smart. lol
    Quote Originally Posted by Handee
    You are the king of Delayed Blast Fireball.

  7. #27
    Community Member ChildrenofBodom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaga Nub View Post

    As an Army veteran I will say that it's great to have you join the service.

    I will say though that although ATC is cool you can make a TON of money as a civilian diver.

    Oil companies pay big money to have divers working on off-shore oil rigs. Once you learn underwater wielding your salary is mid six-figures per year.

    It is very dangerous but it's probably less stressful than being an ATC.

    Grats and stay in touch with us.
    My dad is ATC and he is pretty close to 7 figures, he has been doing it for over 10 years, but still **** good bank. I rather do a completely safe job and get payed slightly less money than a pretty dangerous job with slightly more money. lol

    Since I will already be trying to start a dangerous career (MMA) I don't need a dangerous job. heh
    Quote Originally Posted by Handee
    You are the king of Delayed Blast Fireball.

  8. #28
    Community Member aargos's Avatar
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    Default Congrats

    Good Luck
    Where are you going for Basic Training?
    Is AIT at Ft Rucker, AL

    Beware of mean old drill sergeants, like this one

    And the ASVAB score is a percentile, so by definition 1/2 the population will score above a 50.
    Line scores change over the years. (and are service specific)

    As a VET, I thank you in advance for your service.
    Just remember, you'll get what you put into it.
    SNAFU will tale on a new meaning, and you will truly learn to hate "hurry up and wait"

    Hooah, Redlegs all the way.

  9. #29
    Community Member Bamf's Avatar
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    hehehehe - Milli and Air Traffic Control - I can see it now:

    Milli to flight 9347 - youve got 4 mobs behind you, will you hurry up and zerg through to landing, or do I have to help you?

    Bah, theres too many up there, let just firball them all an sort out the pieces......

    Now, where did I put that scroll of Hold Aircraft?
    And on the eigth day god went for a beer.

    And on the ninth day he was still in the pub with his mates, and is going to be in big trouble when Mrs god finds him.

    Sucram (L14 Ranger)
    Bamfone (L14 Fighter)
    Superbamm (L13 Fighter, L1 Paladin)

  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by bamf View Post
    hehehehe - Milli And Air Traffic Control - I Can See It Now:

    Milli To Flight 9347 - Youve Got 4 Mobs Behind You, Will You Hurry Up And Zerg Through To Landing, Or Do I Have To Help You?

    Bah, Theres Too Many Up There, Let Just Firball Them All An Sort Out The Pieces......

    Now, Where Did I Put That Scroll Of Hold Aircraft?

    Brenna, Tzanna, and Tzinna Wavekin
    The Dancing Rogues of Argonnessen

  11. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by ChildrenofBodom View Post
    Yes sir.
    Don't call me sir! I'm a sergeant I work for a living!

    Not like them Chair-Force boys!

    And ATC is cool, not too stressful in the Army, but ask your dad, it can be real stressful on the civvy side. Forewarned is forearmed.

    As for ASVAB scores, yeah they changed it from when we took them. I got a 99 back in 1995. And technically, it's called the AFQT and it's a bell curve rating of the composite of your scores in a various battery of tests that make up the ASVAB.

    We just call it the ASVAB (pronounced as-vab for all you non-mil types ) and it just sounds more Hooah than AFQT (aff-cutie ? )

    Oops...I digress, the score is where you fall on a bell curve of a sample of 18-23 year olds who took the test. These scores range from 1 to 99. They express how well you did in comparison with another group called the norm. When we took the test, it was based off a norm from 1980. As the whole of American kids got smarter (yeah, hard to believe sometimes huh? ) everyone started to max the test. So they used a new sample group to score of off in 1997. So, knowing that it's entirely possible that you would have scored up top if you went against the 1980 norm too.

    So, for example, you received a percentile score of 75, you can say you scored as well as or better than 75 out of 100 of the norm group who took the test. Which is an EXCELLENT score rating. Therefore, the Army pretty much says you can do anything they have. (unless other medical factors preclude my color-blindness, no pilot for me )

    Here's a good link for a better breakdown of it all:

    Now, for most of the Hooah Army jobs, you're most important combined score is your GT (General Technical) score. If you have above 110, you're pretty much good-to-go, hooah? That's the one you want to brag about. (mine's a 129 ...god I'm shameless sometimes....) If not, don't despair, there are things you can do in-service to improve that rating.

    Good luck man, you know where you're headed for basic? Was at Ft. Beginning myself.

    Feel free to ask us any questions you might have. Knowing is half the battle.



    P.S. Durn-it aargos, you beat me to it.

    And I don't care how many jumps you have. Until you've jumped out the back of a C-130 at 500ft in total darkness wearing 100lb of equipment, you're still a "leg". AIRBORNE INFANTRY! ALL THE WAY!
    Last edited by Borrigain; 10-24-2008 at 01:53 AM.
    Ghallanda - The a team
    Borrigain Gnollslayer : Lorraidyn Terrakaen : Philonius Purge
    "Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Anonymous

  12. #32
    Founder Spell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bamf View Post
    hehehehe - Milli and Air Traffic Control - I can see it now:

    Milli to flight 9347 - youve got 4 mobs behind you, will you hurry up and zerg through to landing, or do I have to help you?

    Bah, theres too many up there, let just firball them all an sort out the pieces......

    Now, where did I put that scroll of Hold Aircraft?
    Crowd Control! Crowd Control! We need a DiscoBall ASAP!

  13. #33
    Community Member Gaermain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChildrenofBodom View Post
    Whattup my good friends in DDO. I finally took the ASVAB on tuesday. Found out tuesday night that I got a 75. The national average is in the 40-50 range. My recruiter said I could get pretty much any job I wanted in the Army.

    So I get back down to the recruiters office so we can type in my scores and see what my list of jobs are. We start looking at the jobs and about halfway down the list my recruiter is like "Wow, I have never seen anyone get offered that before" first I was that a good thing...? It was Army diver. I didn't even know the Army had divers, but apparently they actually go to the Navy diving school to train. Well, I heard that was one of the hardest schools to go through in the military, and not many options to make that a civilian career I don't think. So I didn't choose that one.

    So we look down the list more, and he gets that look on his face again and says he had never seen this job offered to anyone before either. It was really weird, because once he said what it was, all the recruiters that heard pulled away from their desk and looked at me. One of the other recruiters said he had never seen it offered either and he wanted came over and looked at it. I ended up picking it, and it was Air Traffic Control. Which is actually what my step-dad currently does for a living, but he has been my step-dad since I was about 3 so he is pretty much my dad. He was real proud of me and all.

    So, this monday I go down to MEPS to get my physical and do the "oath". I ship out June 2nd. For basic training. I guess I best get in as much DDO as I can. I'm gonna miss you guys.

    But on the bright side, next time I log in after June 2nd, I will have a badass comp and can actually play on high res and graphics.
    As a former US Army ATC, I must say, great choice - congrats! If you have any questions feel free to ask.

    Just remember, the three most dangerous things you will ever encounter are:

    1. A Lieutenant saying, "Based upon my experience..."

    2. A Captain saying, "I was just thinking..."

    3. A Warrant Officer chuckling, "Watch this $#!+..."

    P.S. I will disagree with Borr on only one point: I wouldn't say the stress level as an army ATC is less than a civilian ATC, or the stress as a civilian ATC is way more than in the Army. The actual movement of aircraft is exactly the same, it's the other..stuff...that is different.
    Diplomacy: For when a fireball would just send the wrong message.

  14. #34
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    As an Army retiree I want to first congratulate you and second offer a bit of advice.

    The military is a great stepping stone but not always for every one. If you find out it is for you then welcome to the fraternity. There are a lot of us.

    If you find it isn't for you then be smart. Keep your mouth shut, do your job, learn all you can learn, take advantage of the opportunities that are there, do everything to earn promotions and to get more responsibility (because that opens more doors for you to learn more valuable stuff and to gain more valuable experience). And then, when your time to leave the service comes you will be prepared for great opportunities in the civilian world.

    You have selected a very challenging and potentially rewarding career. And, you have already shown great insight in letting Uncle Sugar foot the bill for training you. Show that same wisdom during your enlistment and you will benefit greatly from the experience.

    Best of luck to you. And never go anywhere without your battle buddies.

  15. #35
    Hatchery Founder Ganak's Avatar
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    Outstanding buddy, make us proud!
    The Nak Abides - Argo - Ascent
    Ganak Goblinjuicer ~ Xanak the Irregular

  16. #36
    Community Member jmonty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leyoni View Post
    ...learn all you can learn, take advantage of the opportunities that are there...

    as soon as you get settled in at your first duty station, after basic and AIT, start taking college course, even if it is one 3-credit hour class at a time. they are paid for, will help you get promoted, and it doesn't hurt to get a degree out of your time in the Army at the very least.

  17. #37
    Community Member jmonty's Avatar
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    and oh ya, you'll be a Soldier when you make it through basic son. which i'm sure you can do if you have the right mindset.

  18. #38
    Community Member Bekki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leyoni View Post

    The military is a great stepping stone but not always for every one. If you find out it is for you then welcome to the fraternity. There are a lot of us.

    If you find it isn't for you then be smart. Keep your mouth shut, do your job, learn all you can learn, take advantage of the opportunities that are there, do everything to earn promotions and to get more responsibility (because that opens more doors for you to learn more valuable stuff and to gain more valuable experience). And then, when your time to leave the service comes you will be prepared for great opportunities in the civilian world.

    You have selected a very challenging and potentially rewarding career. And, you have already shown great insight in letting Uncle Sugar foot the bill for training you. Show that same wisdom during your enlistment and you will benefit greatly from the experience.
    Quote Originally Posted by jmonty View Post

    as soon as you get settled in at your first duty station, after basic and AIT, start taking college course, even if it is one 3-credit hour class at a time. they are paid for, will help you get promoted, and it doesn't hurt to get a degree out of your time in the Army at the very least.
    It takes a special kind of courage to join the military
    especially with the OPs Tempo we have right now.

    That already says allot about you, it shows a lot of maturity on your part
    that you are ready to step up and take on that sort of Challenge.

    Understand though, it is VERY Likely you may have to do a tour in
    Afganistan or Iraq, so be Prepared, It may not hurt to look in to
    studying some form of Self defense Prior to Shipping out.

    It never hurts to be Prepared...


    Leyoni and JMonty have it right,

    Use the first 3-4 years to Find out if the ARMY is for you... If it is Congrats!
    Welcome to the Brotherhood, I would be proud to serve with you.
    You will never find a Better buch of Eight Balls in you life!
    In time you will truly become a "Band of Brothers" (and sisters).

    Like they said,

    Learn all you can, and take the Oppurtunity to get a College Education.
    The GI Bill is there, take full advantage of it while you can.

    In addition,

    (If you don't mind taking some advice from an Old Marine),

    Here are some additional words of Wisdom.

    As soon as you hit your School find out what Quals. you will need
    to be competitive as an ATC in the civillian Market as an ATC.

    Start eaning them WHILE you are in! Even if you choose to make the Army a carreer,
    when you do eventually get out, you will want to have the Quals already in hand,
    that will make you transition to the civillian Workforce that much easier...

    As you Gain responsibility in the Army, always remember...
    "Your troops come First"
    Make sure to take care of your troops, and they will take care of you.

    It is part of the NCO code.

    In the Marines;
    we always say that Sgt's and Corporals are the Backbone of the Corps.
    It is the same in the Army. I know; my father was in the Army for over 20 years...

    But With that Authority though comes responsibility,
    never forget to take care of the welfare of your troops.

    Make sure that they know that if they have a problem or a suggessstion
    to do something better or safer that they can come to you.

    The knowlege that they may possess can be more valuable than platinum!

    And as far as your carreer:

    Remember that YOU are in charge of your carreer,
    ALWAYS KNOW where you stand when it come to Promotions and advancement.
    Do not count on anyone to tell you waht you need or where you are at,
    KNOW what you need, and how to get the quals you need.

    If you don't know? ASK.
    You don't want to miss a promotion oppurtunity because you
    "didn't do the work" or you "Didn't Know."

    Believe me, It hurts! I know from painful personel experience.
    I found out too late about a computer error, and it cost me...Dearly.

    But there is also a darkside to Taking charge of your Carreer.

    Be very careful to guard against becoming A "Carreerist" Soldier.


    Careerists are Soldiers who seek advancement for their own sake and who see
    it exclusively as a goal rather than an opportunity to do something of greater
    value for their nation and the Army.

    It is a dangerous attitude as the may take unecesary risks because they may think
    If I do this it could give me a leg up rather than, what is the risk to me and my troops?

    Know your capabilities and those of you troops, and make good use of both.

    "PT Early and Often!"

    As I am sure you know.
    Physical Fitness is the Key to success in any Miliatry Branch.
    It improves your Morale and will make the Whole experience that Much more enjoyable
    when you do not have to worry about or...*Perish the thought*
    Look forward to Your Physical Fitness test!

    It will be one LESS thing that you have to Worry about...

    And Last But Not ever least, HAVE FUN!!!

    The Army can be the most rewarding carreer you will ever have,
    you can learn alot will have the chance to Travel to places you may never get
    go to any other Way, countries Such as Germany, Norway, The Far east and others...

    There is allot of oportunities in the Army, there is also the downside of course.
    (the chance that you WILL see combat) But that comes with the Territory.

    Well, I guess that is enough of an old Marines ramblings...

    Best of Luck to You,
    "Keep Charging!"

    And as we say in The Corps...

    "Semper FI!"
    Official Muskateers Bartender
    Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
    "It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)

  19. #39
    Community Member ChildrenofBodom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bamf View Post
    hehehehe - Milli and Air Traffic Control - I can see it now:

    Milli to flight 9347 - youve got 4 mobs behind you, will you hurry up and zerg through to landing, or do I have to help you?

    Bah, theres too many up there, let just firball them all an sort out the pieces......

    Now, where did I put that scroll of Hold Aircraft?
    "Can I get a greater hero and some inspire competence over there? The pilot is having some trouble making his spot checks through the fog."
    Quote Originally Posted by Handee
    You are the king of Delayed Blast Fireball.

  20. #40
    Community Member ChildrenofBodom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bekki View Post
    It may not hurt to look in to
    studying some form of Self defense Prior to Shipping out.
    I will know lots about self defense since I am pursuing an MMA career. Main focus for now is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
    Quote Originally Posted by Handee
    You are the king of Delayed Blast Fireball.

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