can someone link me some good dps 2 hand weapon builds
I am sick of all these twf builds i see everywhere
what I envisige is a warrior or pally type build that can go into a crowd of mobs and lay down the smack
with cleaves (are they worth it and using a 2 handed sword )
reason 2 handed swords are everywhere.
thinking paladin for the saves and occasional heal
high strength as I wont be using mithril plate as you can get normal adamante axeblock to absorb damage
using a 2 handed sword instead of an exotic weapon ( cheap to pick up even vorpals)
and saves a feat
Human for extra feat
Damage absorption and high con good saves and resist potions // buffs
heavy plate
was a pally type build which looks pretty good but i like the idea of a fighter and not a rage reliant barb
also checked here for a build but couldnt find one
so if anyone knows of a good build please link it