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mm is a spell that is available to wizards and sorcerers. These are character classes in the DDO world. The sorcerer has lots of spell points and casts faster with higher DPS while the wizard in general has few spell points and cast slow as molasses. However, the wizard makes up for these crippling deficits by being able to do that thing that is extremely critical to the completion of almost all quests and raids. You guessed it, he has been blessed with the ability to swap out spells at bars and rest shrines. Imagine how many party wipes you can avoid with this supreme ability.
Any rate, I digress. You can get the mm spell by selecting it as one of your own as a wizard or sorcerer. Any more questions? Please, no question is a dumb question.
The mistake you made my friend is trusting what turbine tells you rather than your own eyes or brain. If you have a spell caster, take him and his mm spell to Threnal and start wailing on giants. You only have to look in your combat log to see the truth.
I suppose the next thing your gonna tell me is that the DC for a spell save is 10 plus effective spell level plus the relevant ability modifier....haha imagine that. Some of you guys have been around for a long time to not know these things.