Awesome job!!!!!!
Got back on when Khyber came up, I figured i Do a Shroud run.... Once I joined I realized there was no voice chat nor party or guild chat.
I joined a Shroud Raid before I knew this.
Sixes or Sixis from Guildless Guild was running the show. I sent an ingame tell (the only thing that was working and told him i cant extend buffs and if he wanted an extender I would bow out. He replied no and told me to enter the Shroud.
We ran the whole quest without a word of communication and I was stunned silent as we progressed.
My hats off to Sixis for running without com and to the whole party for everyone knowing the game-plan.
I myself have run the quest numerous times but never for completion except one other time.
Thanks guys, com wasn't an issue and we kicked the little demon tards butt!