I'm sure this has been covered once or twice in former threads, but I haven't been able to find the exact advice I'm looking for...
Crafting MinII for my human ftr2 barb14 greater 2-weapon fighter...
As of right now, I typically use 2x rapiers or 2x scimitars for whatever the situation calls for, but switch to a greataxe ( usually a +5 transmuting greataxe of maiming or something else appropriate ) for red/purple names.
My question(s)-- is it worth the extra 20 or so shroud runs for 2x MinIIs or should I just go ahead and make a greataxe?
If I were to wait awhile and make 2 weapons, what would you all recommend? I understand that khopeshes are leaders, but I was considering heavy picks as well (I don't have khopesh proficiency).
Thanks, and any input would be appreciated.