I am posting this to see if I missed anything. I am looking for any room to improve this build. I am at work atm so I am doing this from memory on what I have. This is an existing character of mine and I am going to roll another one very similarly. Hopefully with evasion the next time. But for now this is what I am rolling with.
Human Lawful Good
7 Fighter / 6 Ranger / 3 Paladin
Present Levels/items/Enhancements Base (As close as i can remember)
32 Str 4 levels 6 item 2 tome 2 ftr 18
22 Dex 6 item 1 tome 1 human enh 14
18 Con 6 item 1 human enh 1 tome 10
14 Int 14
14 Wis 6 item 8
16 Cha 6 item 10
Saves I can't remember the breakdowns on how but they are.
Fort 23
Reflex 28
Will 18
Hps 338 with Minos Legens
AC breakdown
10 Base
13 VoD Armor
9 Mith Tower
5 Dex Bonus
5 Combat Expertise
5 Deflection
4 Insight Bonus Weap
3 Barkskin Pot
2 Paladin Aura
2 Chaosguard
1 Armor Ritual
1 Shield Ritual
1 Dodge Feat
1 Haste Pot
62 AC Self-Buffed
4 Bard Song
3 Full Paladin
2 Full Barkskin
2 Recitation
2 Shield Blocking
75 AC in "Blocking Intimidate" Mode
5 Human Armor Boost 20 Sec
3 Chattering Ring
83 AC in a perfect world shield blocking
Gear is as follows
Head: Minos Legens / Intimidate Helm / +6 Charisma Helm
Neck: Tier 3 Cha skill Airguard / Silverflame Amulet / +6 Wis Necklace
Armor: VoD Full-plate
Shield: +5 Mith-Tower
Trinket: Bloodstone / Head of Good Fortune
Gloves: +6 Strength
Bracers: Chaosguards
Boots: Dragon Boots
Ring: +6 Dexterity
Ring: Disease Immunity of Greater False life
Weapon: +4 AC Holy Good Burst Greensteel Kopesh
Intimidate Skill:
19 Ranks
15 Item
6 Tier III Necklace Charisma Skills
4 Greater Heroism (Girds)
4 House Denith Enhancements
3 Skill Focus
3 Charisma Bonus
2 Fighter Intimidate
56 Before any Bard buffs or anything else
Now that all the Intimi-tank stuff is out of the way I will move along to the DPS department. Since this is a 6 Ranger there are enough feats to include Mobility and Spring attack for the Tempest Enhancements which turn this into a TWF DPS Machine IMO. 32 Str + 2 Ram's Might + 2 Rage = 36 Str which is some very nice DPS while maintaining a respectable "52 Self-Buffed DPS Mode AC." Since the change to Tempest AC however I have started changing out Mobility and Spring Attack for the Shield Mastery Feats and I must say there is a vast difference in the damage I take while intimidating.
So there it is as close as I can remember. Tear me apart as best as you can. I am looking for ways to improve upon that which I already have. Any criticism is welcomed and appreciated.