This raid is ran regularly by a few guilds on Ghallanda. Good for them.
I gave it a shot, i remember when it came out, BCB wanted to be the first to beat it, we gave it the same dedication we gave the Titan (every night, all night).
But we stopped because...
The raid is boring.
I'm sorry, maybe some like it, but in general, it is not a fun raid.
Why? Because players are randomly selected to solve challenge that have nothing to do with their character's strenght.
This is not very D&Dish.
In the Reaver, the taskto tank is given to people with that skill. In the Shroud, there are some tasks. Gate runner, kiter, scouter... In each raids, Titan, Dragon, Queen, etc..., players can decide who is better suited for each tasks, and act accordingly.
I would love the Abbot to function like this. Make challenges that players can pick, and that will favor certain classes. Like, the asteroids could be an archery gauntlet for exemple. The floor tiles could be spotted with high spot skills, or be visible with grease/fogs. I dont know.
But as long as it's just a place where a few person are asked to randomly do bunker tasks, then i will avoid it, and so will may players.
Why? I like to think that planning and strategy will get me somewhere.