I was wanting to let my guildies and friends with whom i group that i am on a forced hiatus. My Pc which wasnt anything fancy AMD 2800xp etc decided to head towards the light about 2 weeks ago, after which i promptly jacked my wifes motherboard and processor intel 2.4 eh. I was able to play on it and although the choppiness was nearly unbearable atleast i got my DDO fix. On my b-day i treated myself to a new wireless network card and when i arrived back home to install my 2nd pc apparently commited suicide, so i am now on a AMD 750 mhz processor (dont laugh) and cant log in to game. I guess it was time to upgrade anyway with Mod 8 approaching but hated to do it this way. Long story short to all my Guildies in Tools Of The Trade and friends i have grouped with i shall return in a week or 2 depending on shipping, and to all else, good gaming and good luck. Evilurges/Easlocke
P.S. Guildies ,i have had Xfire up for 2 days, holla