Okay, since Thelanis has now hit 16 minutes on The Shroud Speed Run on normal, I guess it's time to try it on ELITE!
Who's up for The Shroud Speed Run on ELITE?
Sign up with at least 2 builds you would like to try this with.
Okay, since Thelanis has now hit 16 minutes on The Shroud Speed Run on normal, I guess it's time to try it on ELITE!
Who's up for The Shroud Speed Run on ELITE?
Sign up with at least 2 builds you would like to try this with.
I'd sign up as an alternate, as I can't commit to a specific time. If I can make the time, I'll be queue'd up to fill if someone can't make it or has to run. I can reasonably fill:
Bard Warchanter: Juggerkraak
DPS: Krakungol/Daishokrak
Cleric: Kraak/Sunovkraak
Edit: have the toys to do this. Let me know if you want me to be more specific.
Last edited by Kraak; 10-21-2008 at 11:55 AM.
Im game Ministry.
Whillow -- 13 Rog/2 Rng/1 Fight (450hp, 45 AC, dual tier 3 Khopeshs, Power Attack, can UMD some scrolls, Radience, Lightning Strike, and Mineral Khopeshs)
Eldormadoh -- 16 Wizard (1790 SP, 380 HP, Good Spell Pen)
Madmardigan -- 15 Cleric/1 Paladin (400hp, 1790sp, Healing speced, Melee viable with +4 W/P Rapier and GCBane)
Gave you 3 choices, one of each type, caster, melee/DPS, Cleric, so you can make your own choice who you want me to bring.
Luthen || Eldormadoh || Luthian || Theodread || Madmardigan || Whillow || Earnur || Halbarad || Adnakhor
"A good player overcomes. A poor player is overcome" -Proud member of DWAT
dont know when your trying
but Jrp is available
have 2 Barbarians, DPS warchanter, could cleric also if we need 2
I can bring an ALandale for Healing or Pokah For DPS...
Probobly best to go with
1 Sorc
2 CLerics
1 Bard (Warchanter Prefered)
Solo Sorcing Part 1 would be difficult so I would suggest sending a DPS out with the sorc to clear trogs. THat way we have better DPS for parts 4/5
lysol or weyun
Lysol, Winner of the Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence
As soon as we get a few people interested, I will post some possible times and dates so we can get this together. I like Thursday nights, but let's see how many people are interested in taking a shot at this.
Also, continue to post the builds and names of the characters you think would work for this and...
TEAM BUILD - What do you think would work best.
2 Clerics
2 Sorcs
1 Cleric
1 Warchanter Bard
1 Sorc
I think Scars is still banned from the forums, so I will sign my buddy up... since he's only a few minutes away from me in RL.
Lyckia - 16 Sorc
Chlem - 16 Barbarian
Quaggilith - 16 Ranger
Sissee - 16 Cleric
if its a one cleric deal then its going to be an 100 pot event. but, if we're going for the record then it is what it is. it has to be a single cleric/single sorc max dps (including warchanter) group. philosophy for normal run is same as elite, just with more pots.
Lysol, Winner of the Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence
What is the record for elite?
Leader of PESTILENCE!!Loot whoring is our business and business is GOOD! Revrend Band.
"I would never engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man."
Syde 16 Barb twf Mineral II dwarven axes
Hawwk 16 Ranger triple pos/lightning strike bows, w/p
Aubergine 16 Sorc...I'd break out my stash of +3 cha pots for 42 cha for this one
I'd bring a cleric but have nowhere near the pots required :/
1 soc, 2 cleric.... just send a w/p dual rapier guy to kill at portals
Well, if 33 minutes is the current elite speed run, then I'm guessing that's why we only have a handful of people willing to give this a try.
Maybe I need to call on some folks from another server...
33 minutes is tough enough to do on normal runs, but with a few of our Thelanis groups breaking the under 20 minute normal runs, I'm sure we can break the 33 minute record.
Just have to find 5 or 6 more people who have the courage, fortitude and mana pots...
/agreed (with Band below-seems i hijacked his post)
you can smell the fear over on the achievement thread already
Lysol, Winner of the Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence
Id like to bring Ragenn along again if i may.14/2 Barbarian/fighter dual khopesh Min2/Lightstrike,