Okay, since Thelanis has now hit 16 minutes on The Shroud Speed Run on normal, I guess it's time to try it on ELITE!
Who's up for The Shroud Speed Run on ELITE?
Sign up with at least 2 builds you would like to try this with.
Okay, since Thelanis has now hit 16 minutes on The Shroud Speed Run on normal, I guess it's time to try it on ELITE!
Who's up for The Shroud Speed Run on ELITE?
Sign up with at least 2 builds you would like to try this with.
I'd sign up as an alternate, as I can't commit to a specific time. If I can make the time, I'll be queue'd up to fill if someone can't make it or has to run. I can reasonably fill:
Bard Warchanter: Juggerkraak
DPS: Krakungol/Daishokrak
Cleric: Kraak/Sunovkraak
Edit: have the toys to do this. Let me know if you want me to be more specific.
Last edited by Kraak; 10-21-2008 at 11:55 AM.
Im game Ministry.
Whillow -- 13 Rog/2 Rng/1 Fight (450hp, 45 AC, dual tier 3 Khopeshs, Power Attack, can UMD some scrolls, Radience, Lightning Strike, and Mineral Khopeshs)
Eldormadoh -- 16 Wizard (1790 SP, 380 HP, Good Spell Pen)
Madmardigan -- 15 Cleric/1 Paladin (400hp, 1790sp, Healing speced, Melee viable with +4 W/P Rapier and GCBane)
Gave you 3 choices, one of each type, caster, melee/DPS, Cleric, so you can make your own choice who you want me to bring.
Luthen || Eldormadoh || Luthian || Theodread || Madmardigan || Whillow || Earnur || Halbarad || Adnakhor
"A good player overcomes. A poor player is overcome" -Proud member of DWAT
dont know when your trying
but Jrp is available
have 2 Barbarians, DPS warchanter, could cleric also if we need 2
I can bring an ALandale for Healing or Pokah For DPS...
Probobly best to go with
1 Sorc
2 CLerics
1 Bard (Warchanter Prefered)
Solo Sorcing Part 1 would be difficult so I would suggest sending a DPS out with the sorc to clear trogs. THat way we have better DPS for parts 4/5
lysol or weyun
Lysol, Winner of the Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence
As soon as we get a few people interested, I will post some possible times and dates so we can get this together. I like Thursday nights, but let's see how many people are interested in taking a shot at this.
Also, continue to post the builds and names of the characters you think would work for this and...
TEAM BUILD - What do you think would work best.
2 Clerics
2 Sorcs
1 Cleric
1 Warchanter Bard
1 Sorc