bored and for the first time in ages i decided to read the official known issues thread. ya right. so either the other **** we experience in the game are not issues and it is working as intended, or they are just misinformed on exactly how buggy some aspects of the game are.
lets make a list then. add together all the crappy little things that have been around forever and get them added to the list. hell mebe they'll do something about them *cough* lol ya right. ok mebe it will kill 2 seconds while you are waiting for that instance, zone to reset.
here are a few from me to get things going.
-Monsters will appear to be affected from crowd control effects but this will not be the case. most notably, trip, stun, paralyze, disco ball. these monsters will be shown to be tripped, paralyzed, stunned dancing etc but they will continue to attack and cast as normal. i can only assume this is not intentional else why even have these things in the game?
-characters under the effects of the mad stone rage will not be able to use certain potions. this is because these potions are not actually potions as per the game mechanics. these are actually spells, abilities or activateable devices. i'm not sure which at this point as the potions behave as all 3 of these yet still resemble bottles of liquid. this is most strange. i can only assume that either the rage tooltip is displaying improperly, to not mention potions or this is messed up somehow.
-aparently the healing you recieve after either making your saving throw when at negative hitpoints or starting automatically with the die hard feat is considered a spell. this was made aparent to me when becoming incapped while under the effects of the mummy rot debuff. all i did was lie there at -6 hp and well nothing just lay there. sorry not mummy rot think it was mummys curse.
i'm sure there are plenty more out there. feel free to add your own bugs to this list. ignoring them hasn't been working out so well. they still persist even after all these years.
now i know you guys will have something to say about beating a dead horse. but hell. i'm a necropheliac that's into s&m and beastiality. what can i say.