I am! For the TS run last night that the ghost would not turn the tile at Sorjek. 15 minutes later, and by thetime we rounded the troops and was outside the portal, we had a response and a fix! (It is a known problem, no need to send bug report)
My question is, where were you a year ago? When we had a problem with Sorjek and I had to wait over TWO HOURS to get an fix that didn't actually fix anything (Quest wouldn't complete nor would chests spawn after we killed SOrjek, GM respawned Sorjek and killed him and spawned chest but still no completion.)
Actually, the GM help is very uneven. One time I will get great help, an hour later nothing.
I would suggest that we could have a critque button we could hit somewhere that could imform Turbine what GMs are doing their job and were helpful and quick and tell them about the ones that were not. Just like four questions, with multiple answers that Turbine could run a report every month to find out what GMs are doing.
THe questions I would find important and useful is:
How Long did it take to get a response? (multiple answers)
Did the GM assist you with your problem? (yes no)
Did the GM move the problem to the next level when they could not solve the issues? (yes no, then a seperate critique for that person)
Was the problem resolved, either moved to the next level or fixed? (yes no)
And maybe a comment box.
Not alot of info, I agree, but a simple way to see what is going on and correct the problem areas. I am surethere are better questions, but that is what I could think up. At the end of the day, everyone can be satified that they took action, good or bad, against the GM.
or this is a terrible idea.