Hello, I have been have an issue for quite soem time now and was wondering if anyone can offer any help or insight in this matter.
It is not a glitch nor is it lag related and it started right after one of the previous mod's (5 or 6 maybe?). I have a few friends who have not had this or noticed it with their PC's. I have not reported ir or inquired previously becasue other than a minor inconvenience, it doesnt affect my game play. But, I am bored tyhis sunday and doing some routine maintenance to my machine and figured Id throw it up on boards to see if I could get it resolved.
The problem is that once I load the game and select which character I wish to load, the game takes like 5 minutes to load me into the world. It only happens the first time I load that specific alt. If I log out and log back in with the same alt, it loads up super fast (like it used too) but if I log out and load a diff alt, I have the 5 min wait again.
The odd part is that other players in the game see me in waaayyy before I can see the game, and I even have friends send me tells and invites but I cannot see them as I am still in the load screen.
Other than this, the game loads everything else fine and in a resonable time frame. Log out is quick (although loggin in and out in a tavern for me has always been alot quicker than out in the open, but still MUCH slower that first time), load screens between areas is normal and reasonable, same with quest loads, etc...
So, anyone have any ideas for me? Anyone else experience this ? If specific logs would help, let me know and I can post those as well.