If you have read the series and enjoyed it as much as myself, keep an eye out.
There is a mini-series coming to TV in a couple weeks (November 1st), and Terry Goodkind is onboard doing the writing.
If you have read the series and enjoyed it as much as myself, keep an eye out.
There is a mini-series coming to TV in a couple weeks (November 1st), and Terry Goodkind is onboard doing the writing.
Hi, I play Generic Fantasy RPG Online, formerly known as DDO.
What station? I had heard people saying there was some movie planned, but nothing about a mini-series.
Unless this is the way they're doing it and they meant something like Rose Red or such movie as a series.
The story was ok enough to risk watching the show just need to know when and where
Beware the Sleepeater
Yes!!!!! I love the whole story line. I have it on audio and listen to it all the time.
The series is going to be in syndication.
Check the homesite for what channel in your area.
I'm pretty excited, as Terry Goodkind is actually doing the writing for the series from what I understand.
Hi, I play Generic Fantasy RPG Online, formerly known as DDO.
ya i read the first few in that series but it was like a decade ago.![]()
I just started reading this and saw that about the series as well.
Sarlona: Dymondd Sar Tennith: lvl 15 Human Paladin/Fighter - Rusty Pick Guild
Khyber: SparrHawk Instellius lvl 17 Human Paladin, Storrmyy Instellius lvl 16 Drow Cleric, Teknikal SuhPoort lvl 16 Dwarf Barbarian, Falcynn Instellius lvl 8 Halfling Ranger - Elite Noobs
Now if only someone would do a great set of books like the black company as a show.
Beware the Sleepeater
it will be on ABC i think the weekend of the 1st? check your local listing to see if its sat or sunday.
the series was pretty good, got slow around book 6 though 8 but ended well. I prefer George RR Martins Song of ice and Fire series, which HBO picked up the rights and if he would ever hurry up and finish the series they will start the series, which each season will span one book
I went to the site. Zedd is the freakin trainman from the Matrix! Well, I gotta say I'm looking forward
to it, but I'm a bit concerned that it'll be watered way down especially if it is shown on ABC. The
books were pretty d*mn graphic in places in ways that just don't work around well without chopping
the story up. For example, hard to imagine any execs signing off on showing all that mistress Denna
did to break Richard. Or what Kahlan makes the guard captain do to himself when she thinks Richard
dead and is in the Con Dar. But from what I seen them showing on the site, they aren't exactly
following the book. It's looks like it's based on it.
Good read, afraid tv may ruin it.
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!
Go for the eyes Boo!
it is not going to be a mini series but an actual show going through all the books so this should prove to be interesting way to get books incorperated with very little taken out. and with Sam Raimi behind it and Disney backing it should be well funded.
Mess with the best die like the rest then i take all your loot!!!!
Over the last five years or so, I've been reading the St. John's Great Books List:
I just finished "A Game of Thrones" a couple days ago and am looking to buy the sequel, tomorrow. It had received good reviews, and I hadn't read any Fantasy in about twenty years, but it was pretty good (relatively).
Once I'd gotten into the Great Books list, it's hard to get out of it because you learn a new definition of what a good book is, and even the award winners my father keeps buying me for Christmases (Coetzee, for instance) just fall short, somehow. The College figures you'll be reading full-time for four years, and I'm only just finishing up the last of the Fiction on the list, after five years.
Since finishing "A Game of Thrones," though, I've decided it was pretty good. I'm starting "A Clash of Kings," tomorrow.
The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. - Sun Tzu
Reading up on the HBO Series, I guess Benioff is done with "Ender's Game." I really liked "25th Hour."
The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. - Sun Tzu
yes i read the whole series. love the book, a series is comin out on november 2st and 2nd. so excited!!(EDIT): oh hey... you already said that last part ^^ hehe