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  1. #21
    Community Member weyoun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cardmj1 View Post
    When I spam masses, I center on the idiot with tons of hp and no ac. He is going to need the most healing. I usually spam mass cure mod, mass cure light, heal the idiot, spam mass cm, mass cl, heal the idiot, and repeat to finish completion. I will also let the raid group know who I am centering on so they know to stay close to them. If the party leader chooses a main tank, then that is who I center on and repeat the process.
    funny, you seem to calling high hp/low ac toons idiots. i'd rather have a bunch of idiots that a bunch of shield wearing non-damage doing smart people i guess. but then i have a preference for 1 round part IV's and shrouds under 30 minutes.
    Lysol, Winner of the Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence

  2. #22
    Founder Xithos's Avatar
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    Talking Healing

    Quote Originally Posted by cardmj1 View Post
    When I spam masses, I center on the idiot with tons of hp and no ac. He is going to need the most healing. I usually spam mass cure mod, mass cure light, heal the idiot, spam mass cm, mass cl, heal the idiot, and repeat to finish completion. I will also let the raid group know who I am centering on so they know to stay close to them. If the party leader chooses a main tank, then that is who I center on and repeat the process.

    Depending on party make up, usually another cleric is in party and we will share the load. The first cleric will spam cures and the other spot heals. When the first cleric's mana drops to half, they switch places and the second cleric spams. This saves alot of resources because you generally don't use any.

    If there is a third cleric, bard, or high umd rogue in the party... they are in charge of raising the dead and rebuffing. I will ask them to watch for any debuffing, curses, or what not and take care of it. They are also emergency back up if one of the two healers should fall and can not be rezzed or if mana runs too low. This insures that no resources are used unless it's by the umd users and I supply them with all they need.

    I pick the idiot with enormous AC and evasion; next in line is the idiot with high hp and evasion Your mileage may vary.
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  3. #23
    Community Member Reverand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by esoitl View Post
    I have found that it is very efficient to use your lvl 6 and lower spells with Superior potency or Devotion items. I alternate between CLW and CMW as they often are not that much lower than my CSW. I fins the extra SP you save from them makes up for the lower healing numbers and while I haven't bothered to do the math it seems to work out well - no metamagics involved.

    I'm sure you can go through and run the calcualtions if you wish but I find it works well enough so I just stick with it. Normally with 2 Clerics in Raids we're overhealing slightly even with CLW and CMW being used.
    I totally agree with this one. I have a superior potency 6 item. I'm spected for Empower Healing and i have all the crit enhancements. I even carry the gloves from the Reaver for the little extra crit boost. I know everyone says this is overkill, but when my mass cure lights crit on at least 2 people every time i hit a group, it stretches my sps a long way and can usually keep every one up. There will always be the megaDPS guy holding aggro getting hammered, then one Heal Spell on him usually takes care of that.

    I find my Sps usually last the entire run of the Shroud, Reaver or Hound. I think for my build atleast, casting mass cure serious or higher level spells wastes my sps and leads me to having to use up resources more. (Mana pots and Scrolls)

  4. #24
    Community Member weyoun's Avatar
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    I try to use only CMC in the shroud (all metas including quicken on a healing spec'd cleric). With the lorriks set it is pretty much all you need. Usually end up with over 50% SP at the end of part V - solo clericing - but this depends more on group dps than it does my healing abilities. the spare cleric just ends up comet-falling ftw.
    Lysol, Winner of the Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence

  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Depending on the party role I'm playing as Numot, I'll do one of two things:

    Role of Healbot (usually a 2-cleric Shroud): Quicken off, Maximize and Empower on, Sup Pot 6, alternate between MCMW and MCLW (no reason to even consider MCSW or MCCW as they cure less with my gear setup, cost more and have longer cooldowns). Fire off Heal spells as needed to prevent deaths.

    Role of hybrid melee/cleric (3-cleric Shroud): Quicken on, Max/Emp on, no potency/devotion as I'm using a Mineral 2 greataxe instead and haven't yet got the Abbot Sup Devotion 6 helm, alternate MCCW and MCSW as required centred on myself in the centre of the melee, with MCMW as a backup for when the other two are on timer.
    turning max and empower on in shroud is a waste of sp for the healbot
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  6. #26
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    I alternate between:

    - Mass CLW, CMW and Aid once maxed out

    During most raids I turn empowered healing and extend off. Im starting to think extend only has value for multi-class and lower level characters.
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  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aranticus View Post
    turning max and empower on in shroud is a waste of sp for the healbot
    That's not just wrong, but completely backwards.

    Using Maximize or Empower Healing will increase your hitpoint per spellpoint ratio. I don't think I could solo-cleric through Shroud without that kind of metamagic.

    Normal MCMW: 48 hp / 35 sp = 1.37 hp/sp
    Max MCMW: 96 hp / 60 sp = 1.6 hp/sp
    Emp MCMW: 72 hp / 39 sp = 1.8 hp/sp

  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    That's not just wrong, but completely backwards.

    Using Maximize or Empower Healing will increase your hitpoint per spellpoint ratio. I don't think I could solo-cleric through Shroud without that kind of metamagic.

    Normal MCMW: 48 hp / 35 sp = 1.37 hp/sp
    Max MCMW: 96 hp / 60 sp = 1.6 hp/sp
    Emp MCMW: 72 hp / 39 sp = 1.8 hp/sp
    yes a solo cleric for shroud will need max and emp. 2 healbots in shroud both using max and emp, healing at the same time? thats just a total waste of sp

    Role of Healbot (usually a 2-cleric Shroud): Quicken off, Maximize and Empower on, Sup Pot 6, alternate between MCMW and MCLW (no reason to even consider MCSW or MCCW as they cure less with my gear setup, cost more and have longer cooldowns). Fire off Heal spells as needed to prevent deaths.
    you are fully correct cept in the wrong conditions
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  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aranticus View Post
    2 healbots in shroud both using max and emp, healing at the same time? thats just a total waste of sp
    Only if they keep healing when nobody is hurt, or if they keep casting the spells at the same time. Most cleric players are able to notice if that happens, and one of them will slow down his healing and wait for the other guy to be low on mana and slow down.

  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    Only if they keep healing when nobody is hurt, or if they keep casting the spells at the same time. Most cleric players are able to notice if that happens, and one of them will slow down his healing and wait for the other guy to be low on mana and slow down.
    if you read sirgog's post again, he had

    Fire off Heal spells as needed to prevent deaths.
    the suggestion is that the clerics are healing through out, topping up people with heals hence his recommendations are not efficient. like you, i only heal if i see bars moving. when harry is firing fireballs at the clerics and casters, no damage is done on the melees and hence no heals needed

    in all my shroud runs, it is never necessarily for even heal spells to go with max emp up. my mass cures hit close to 200 a pop, almost 400 on a crit. i doubt anyone would need to be topped up
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  11. #31
    Community Member moops's Avatar
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    I use MCLW and MCLM with Sup 6 and empower healing. If it's a squishy group or extra lagtastic, I'll equip Greater Potency 7 along with Sup 6 and use MCSW. Before this latest patch of lag hit, I often ended with 1/4 SP left after part 4, and sometimes part 5 of shroud.

    I never use maximize on my healing spells--Sp is for zapping -

    I have solo cleric'd the shroud several times with only empower healing

    Quote Originally Posted by Aranticus View Post
    yes a solo cleric for shroud will need max and emp. 2 healbots in shroud both using max and emp, healing at the same time? thats just a total waste of sp
    Last edited by moops; 10-22-2008 at 02:04 PM.
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  12. #32
    Community Member SqtYork's Avatar
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    Default hotbaring

    I don't have the elite skills of some of the other clerics.

    But my hotbar #1
    CLW - or command - **** melee's trying to hurt me
    CCW -not going to waste a scroll or a full heal on a non tank (it's only five points but it's also the cool down timer for heal I don't want to waste)
    DV - in the middle of fights I don't want to be mouse clicking stuff. Maybe I should move this to a button? CSW wand
    Heal scrolls - double tap when I need to get it off now
    Destruction -**** casters or other annoying mobs that are trying to hurt me

    Based on what I've seen here, I might change CMW for MCLW

    With the up coming Mod eight spells I might also replace CMW with Mass protection from elements.

    I got lucky and got Lorik's necklace from the hound raid. So I run with empowered healing on all the time.

    I did put all of the five elemental resist and protections on one hot bar I can click on.

    But I hate hotkeying stuff to letters because when I am chatting I always ended up autorunning, etc .... I took that off
    all my toons have healing in the number seven slot either wands or potions.

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