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  1. #21
    Community Member honkuimushi's Avatar
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    I think that making it go away after a few seconds is a good idea. I'm trying out a Bardbarian on Risia and I used Rage a few times in Misery's Peak. I noticed a significant decrease in brightness after raging and it made it a bit easier to to get turned around or miss a ledge. It's especially bad in that quest where it's a bit difficult to see which steps are just steps and which are a shortcut to the bottom.
    I also had trouble telling colors through the red. That could be really bad in some quests and make some puzzles impossible to do.

    Now Barbarian rage isn't such a problem. At low levels it doesn't last too long and you can always dismiss it. The real problem would be with the spell. There's no way to cancel that.

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Arianrhod View Post
    Wouldn't it be interesting if instead of filling the screen with red haze the raging player's HP display just disappeared until the rage ended? I seem to recall that being one of the "penalties" of raging in 2nd ed. D&D (the idea being that while raged a character had no idea how much damage it was taking, so just kept fighting normally until it dropped...then again, I guess a lot of barbs do that anyway, so it might not be a noticeable enough difference).
    I likethat Idea more. but I have to agree with the OP, TUrbine needs to create a switch for it, or a way to dampen the effect for those with issues.
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  3. #23
    Community Member quickgrif's Avatar
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    I like the new rage it brings the barb out of me lol. To be truthful they should offer an on and off button for this option for those few with true medical problems, and the remaining other weaklings who need the pampering. They should not turn it into a few second thing why bother then. As for complaints for not seeing puzzles and whatnot YOUR RAGING. Lets see I bring out my rage and then start to solve the complex puzzle.... kinda silly.
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  4. #24
    Community Member moorewr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post
    I likethat Idea more. but I have to agree with the OP, TUrbine needs to create a switch for it, or a way to dampen the effect for those with issues.
    Having it appear and fade after a few seconds (per Eladrin) seems like a fine compromise...
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  5. #25
    Community Member quickgrif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moorewr View Post
    Having it appear and fade after a few seconds (per Eladrin) seems like a fine compromise...
    No all it does is the ones that dont want it get headaches the first thirty seconds or cant see the screen if color blind, and the ones who do want it are out of luck with no option to keep it on.
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