ok i was going with 28 point wf or dwarf (have never made a dwarf so i might go with it)
build~> str-18,con-18,dex-14,wis-10 (its been awhile since iv played so im not 100% on my stat setup)
was wondering if i should take mith. body or admin.(if i pick wf)
i was going with 2handed wep. (greataxe as main wep, greatsword or falchion as a carry on)
seeing that iv never made a proper barb i was going to giv it a try see how it comes out, but if any one would like to giv tip's feel free, i plan on being back on the game for first time in...months this weekend 17\18 oct.
rammbo 15 fighter--gloc 14 sors are my guys if you want to contact me in game feel free