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  1. #1
    Community Member carv's Avatar
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    Jun 2006

    Red face barb build, looking for tips and help

    ok i was going with 28 point wf or dwarf (have never made a dwarf so i might go with it)

    build~> str-18,con-18,dex-14,wis-10 (its been awhile since iv played so im not 100% on my stat setup)

    was wondering if i should take mith. body or admin.(if i pick wf)

    i was going with 2handed wep. (greataxe as main wep, greatsword or falchion as a carry on)

    seeing that iv never made a proper barb i was going to giv it a try see how it comes out, but if any one would like to giv tip's feel free, i plan on being back on the game for first time in...months this weekend 17\18 oct.

    rammbo 15 fighter--gloc 14 sors are my guys if you want to contact me in game feel free

  2. #2
    Community Member alchilito's Avatar
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    Feb 2007


    wrong forum bud you should try the barbarian forums

  3. #3


    *looks at the responder* Katet.. figures.

    While a bit blunt, he is correct. The barbarian forums would give you a more in depth answer into your questions.

    If you go WF, note that if you are concerned about dex for AC at all, Adimantine body will cap that at +1 bonus. Now you'll still get it for the full reflex save.

    What I do not know is if the adimantine body will make it to where you can't do some of the barbarian bits. It technically is "heavy" armor, and a lot of barbarian stuff is reliant upon light to medium armor. I do not think there aren't any restrictions actually implemented in the game yet, but do NOT count on that for character life. Many were rather upset when they got around to actually fixing evasion to be correct.

    Also, while a falchion may have better crit range, you may want to stay with greataxe instead or maul (for carry ons) due to the fact of how much faster swing speed is.

  4. #4
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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  5. #5
    Community Member ShadowFox1978's Avatar
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    Stats you have listed would be 36 points for a wf and 34 points for a dwarf. 18str/16con is a solid start for either dwarf or forged. That leaves 6 points to dump into dex for a decent reflex save. Your will save is not as important on a warforged and the dwarf gets enhancements to saves and both will get bonuses while raging. Deffinatly take a look at the barb forums and ask for help there.

    Lendra/Lendraa/Mordachi/Deathsong and assorted other gimps

  6. #6
    Community Member alchilito's Avatar
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    Feb 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Missing Minds View Post
    *looks at the responder* Katet.. figures.

    While a bit blunt, he is correct. The barbarian forums would give you a more in depth answer into your questions.

    If you go WF, note that if you are concerned about dex for AC at all, Adimantine body will cap that at +1 bonus. Now you'll still get it for the full reflex save.

    What I do not know is if the adimantine body will make it to where you can't do some of the barbarian bits. It technically is "heavy" armor, and a lot of barbarian stuff is reliant upon light to medium armor. I do not think there aren't any restrictions actually implemented in the game yet, but do NOT count on that for character life. Many were rather upset when they got around to actually fixing evasion to be correct.

    Also, while a falchion may have better crit range, you may want to stay with greataxe instead or maul (for carry ons) due to the fact of how much faster swing speed is.
    Looks at the responder ... then shrugs and looks for the next smart guy. Heyas Gunga !

  7. #7
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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    Sup, Al.

  8. #8
    Community Member theedtwo's Avatar
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    Mar 2007


    just 1 tip.... if u want a good barb.... DONT MAKE IT HALFLING, mine is a halfling because almsot all my builds are experimentes and i descided that i wanted to see how it worked out... its now the best but i know they would be better no matter wat other race i picked.... just a tip from my experiments

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