want to trade a +1 w/p dagger has no damage
looking for a +2con, +2dex, and +2wis tome for it.
would consider
different +2 tome combo
combination of +2 tomes and a bloodstone or spectral gloves
want to trade a +1 w/p dagger has no damage
looking for a +2con, +2dex, and +2wis tome for it.
would consider
different +2 tome combo
combination of +2 tomes and a bloodstone or spectral gloves
Its odd I would like to know if he did as well
I got almost no action on the w/p ss I had
It almost like the w/p maket is going the way of the US economy right now
The Ashen - Khyber - Gerbillee (Half 13rg/1ro/2w), Blitzkreig (WF 16w), Chipmonk (Half 16mk), Bandicoot (Df 15CLr) , Chinchilla(WF 16 Monster)- "Go for the eyes, Boo, GO FOR THE EYES! AAAAAAURGH!!" - Kaptan/Hamster/Lemming/Bandicoot all retired - "Terrible Hamster justice shall be wreaked on you!"
**Belwaar** | Waarfists | *Waartitan* | Waarmage | *Waarsavant* | *Waarchanter* | Waarknuckle | Waarforged | Waarfavored | *Torgaar* | *Waarmedic* | Neissa | Khurg | Jaxsen | *Kelindros*
i believe that there is only a few uber wealthy enough players to afford them and they already have as many as they want. yet the ones that are being pulled and advertised are still being sold as if they were still sought after by those who can afford them . however because those that can afford them dont want them there are no buyers.
inn short you are askin to much or the expected asking price is detering others from even making an offer . honestly most people dont need w/p to be effiient at killing. it is nice to have ....very nice but my dual vorpals and w/p bow when used with man shot is an ok sub for the cost of W/p one handers it works for most bottom line is it works .
i have typos i know i dont care. if i did i would fix them.
descartes 16 rgr
exturnal combustion 16 sorc (has risen)
Cap I want your SS, but I dont think I got what you need.
I think 3 +2 tomes is a good deal for a dagger. I would do that trade, in fact Im gonna check what tomes I have and PM him - and I dont even need another dagger.
W/P > vorpal if you are killing something yourself or with maybe 1 other person. In a Raid, Vorpal >>>>>> W/P. W/P allows you to sacrifice STR for DEX. Which translates into damage for AC.
Manyshot has a timer. You cant even compare ranged and melee, come on dude. you know better than that.
Namesake of The Lava Divers, Khyber
aka Amabel, Milvus, Metella, Gracchus, Pyroclastik, Anil, Cryogenic, Arabell, Sallust, Initium, Concentric, Llebara, Gingerspyce, Putana, Erestem
Phoenix Crusaders - Khyber
I think what happened is that the price of WoP became so inflated that a lot of players who wanted them decided that they didn't want them that badly and they specced their guys differently. Rogues started making radience2 rapiers and other finesse builds made LS2s and other shroud gear, etc.
I remember when a WoP dagger used to AH for about 750k plat and WoP SS for about 1mil-1.2 mil plat. Now a WoP dagger is usually on the AH for a min bid of 1-1.5 mil plat and a buyout of 2mil. WoP SS are almost non-existent on the AH. WoP rapiers have a 7-10 mil plat value as well...The op wants three +2 tomes that on the AH would also be posted at inflated values (500k-800k plat), but with the frequency of tome drops its probably an even deal.
i was not saying that 2 vorps was superior i was saying that my 2 vorps and manyshot W/P bow is an adequate sub for not having 2 W/P weapons and i think that is what players are turning to instead of destroying thier characters playability by trading all thier good stuff W/P is just not worth it dont get me wrong it is great i love it and i do think he is asking a good price for 3 tomes .i ts just that some or most people are asking for trades consisting of boots of innocent spectral gloves and a bloodstone for a W/P dagger or ss. they are not worth that and that is why many threads get no replies or pm's. they are not as rare as they used to be .....still good but not as rare as they used to be .
i have typos i know i dont care. if i did i would fix them.
descartes 16 rgr
exturnal combustion 16 sorc (has risen)
Namesake of The Lava Divers, Khyber
W/P on a bow is pretty slow except once every two minutes. A better suggestion is to use just a wounder or a burst puncturer. Any implication that a bow is a good substitute for even a burst puncturing rapier is bad.
And Like I said in the other post, I often jsut use vorp.
Namesake of The Lava Divers, Khyber
I find this not to be the case at all.
Nearly every group I run in, everyone has Con damage weapons (many of which are quite a bit weaker than W/P daggers - you might have people dualweilding +3 Wounders, or using a +4 Puncturing Rapier and a +2 Wounding Dagger). On the other hand, I've put the Vorpals away. Haven't used them in weeks, and really only keep them for future quests that might have orange-named Vampires that Vorp more readily than they disrupt.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
One of the new sections has mobs that are immune to stat dmg completely. Makes W/P weapons useless. If you think this is only a one time occurance, you have a real short view of end game.
I would not be surprised that mobs we fight when we reach lvl 20 will have deathward, ie eladrinn fortress, and immunity to stat dmg by special auras.
It'll be back to plain old DPS on normal encounter mobs. BUT hey, I could be all wrong . . . . . . . care to lay a plat bet?
3 Parts Potassium Nitrate, 1/2 part Charcoal and 1/2 part Sulfur add external heat source and PHOOSH!!!!!
Aegean-Clr, Balar-Ftr,Cyclonik-Wiz, Davir-Rog, Soroden-Sorc, Towong-Mnk, Waring-Rng
I think w/p will be good for a couple more years anyway![]()
Day 1 Founder
Main characters: Usually on Rhyes, Miniryse or Legolass
I'm rich! filthy rich! /runs off to AH
/cry! I'm poor! flat broke!
Lava Divers - Khyber
I did a test run recently
I used the Tor well cause its fun and my favorite mission for just tearing the game up.
I have dual radiance rapiers with all the extra stuff like fire good burst etc
Ran tor using just those and yes they tear up the mobs very fast from a DPS stand point...then ran again with my w/p rapier (<-- one of the 3 first on original khyber - has the wear adn tear to prove before being bound) and w/p ss and just mowed the mobs like wheat grass!!!
w/p in the right hands will smoke a vorpal or anything else against all but undead and red named. But again the best build for it would be a improved crit range barb dual wielding rapiers
With more undead coming I expect w/p market to dip some more but again it will never suck to the point of where vorpals are now compared to where they were when vorpaling was crit range based that is a market change.
Waiting for Turbine to introduce a buff that protects mobs from con damage or just stat damage heh.
The Ashen - Khyber - Gerbillee (Half 13rg/1ro/2w), Blitzkreig (WF 16w), Chipmonk (Half 16mk), Bandicoot (Df 15CLr) , Chinchilla(WF 16 Monster)- "Go for the eyes, Boo, GO FOR THE EYES! AAAAAAURGH!!" - Kaptan/Hamster/Lemming/Bandicoot all retired - "Terrible Hamster justice shall be wreaked on you!"
First 3 rapiers on original Khyber. Nah.
There are more, I just need some time to recollect.
They all had w/p rapiers before. That said. Who cares?
Last edited by Capstern; 10-21-2008 at 06:48 PM.
The Ashen - Khyber - Gerbillee (Half 13rg/1ro/2w), Blitzkreig (WF 16w), Chipmonk (Half 16mk), Bandicoot (Df 15CLr) , Chinchilla(WF 16 Monster)- "Go for the eyes, Boo, GO FOR THE EYES! AAAAAAURGH!!" - Kaptan/Hamster/Lemming/Bandicoot all retired - "Terrible Hamster justice shall be wreaked on you!"
Bah. You edited. I do have lotto numbers though. :P
Last edited by Tulsa Doom; 10-21-2008 at 06:51 PM.