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  1. #21
    Community Member D'rin's Avatar
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    probablly the closest you are going to get for martial art sword would be kopesh or scimitars. Oversized twf means no penalty for wielding a large weapon in the off hand. .

  2. #22
    Community Member Deadz's Avatar
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    Default Where i'm at now

    Ugh so much to think of any wanna post 1rogue / 15 ranger or 1rogue /1monk /14ranger builds be my guest WF ofcourse I guess now i'm left wondering what will be the advantages or disadvantages between the two.. keep in mind i got 28 pts to build and planning on doing a Str based TWF w/ some "ninja" rogue skills... that is untill i flip flop again.
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  3. #23
    Community Member nbhs275's Avatar
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    going 2 monk/2 wiz/12 ranger might not be an overall bad idea either. Weapon-wise, either duel bastard swords to emulate katanas, or a quarterstaff are probably the most thematically pleasing. The wiz levels would give you arcane wand access, and some decent lowbie buffs from extended shield and expedious retreat.

    Monk for the most part would add your wisdom as a bonus to your armor class. Your stats most likely would be best seperated into

    16 str
    14 dex
    16 con
    8 int
    12 wis
    6 cha

    At high levels, you should have a moderate to exceptional AC, depending on your gear.

    10 base
    7 body
    5 wisdom
    7 dexterity
    5 natural
    5 protection
    1 ritual
    5 dodge
    4 shield

    49 standing, +4 with GS, +3 with chattering, +1 haste, +2 recitation, +5 pally, for a possible 64

    put your advancement points into str, and you will end up with enough to do good damage(28-30 atleast). Add in some points into WF PA, and your looking to do some good melee damage.

    Feats should look something like

    1 Toughness
    3 OTWF
    6 Spring Attack
    9 IC: Slashing
    12 PA
    15 Bastard Sword
    1(wiz) Extend
    1(monk) Dodge
    2(monk) Mobility
    Aundair, New Khyber
    Alreck Gingerbarrel(15clr/1barb), Torrak Gingerbarrel(16 Brd), Oat(13 Rgr/3Ftr), Moxxy(16 Sor), Thorrac Gingerbarrel(6 Pal/1 Ftr) <<Current Toons>>

  4. #24
    Community Member Deadz's Avatar
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    Well i went 1rogue so far..
    8(or 6 is it for wf, i'm not logged in ) cha

    took mithril body
    was going to do
    Lvl 2 monk (dodge)
    lvl 3 + ranger..

    For skills I maxed out
    Open Locks
    Move Silently

    Was a toss up between Jump / Repair / Balance / Bluff / Dipolmacy.. hopefully i made the right choice.. thoughts?
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  5. #25
    Community Member Jay203's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deadz View Post
    Well i went 1rogue so far..
    8(or 6 is it for wf, i'm not logged in ) cha

    took mithril body
    was going to do
    Lvl 2 monk (dodge)
    lvl 3 + ranger..

    For skills I maxed out
    Open Locks
    Move Silently

    Was a toss up between Jump / Repair / Balance / Bluff / Dipolmacy.. hopefully i made the right choice.. thoughts?
    if you plan on running monk lvl in your build for the wisdom AC, you must not choose a body feat as they all count as armor except composite plating
    PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
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  6. #26
    Community Member Deadz's Avatar
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    Some reason i thought light armor was o.k... crappola.. guess maybe i'll skip the monk?
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  7. #27
    Community Member nbhs275's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay203 View Post
    if you plan on running monk lvl in your build for the wisdom AC, you must not choose a body feat as they all count as armor except composite plating
    composite body +5 docent =7.... Read, think, then hit submit.

    you have a 10 base dex. Simply right there, you just killed any ability for yourself to get a good AC. So, if your going to stick with that build, monk wouldnt be very useful. Also, a 14 int is far more then you actually need to do rogue work, although rogue skills are so pitifully weak for the most part now that it really isnt worth even taking them.
    Aundair, New Khyber
    Alreck Gingerbarrel(15clr/1barb), Torrak Gingerbarrel(16 Brd), Oat(13 Rgr/3Ftr), Moxxy(16 Sor), Thorrac Gingerbarrel(6 Pal/1 Ftr) <<Current Toons>>

  8. #28
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    Mithril body isnt to bad at low level but you will want to swap it out and early proably is better then latter. do the dragon mark quest in the harbour to get your free feat respect and swap it out maybe for toughness

    Beware the Sleepeater

  9. #29


    Good luck with the build...
    Just some dude...

  10. #30
    Community Member Deadz's Avatar
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    Default Ugh..

    I"m so confused, lol this stuff is tough for a new player
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  11. #31
    Community Member Deadz's Avatar
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    Default More questions.. yeah i know..

    K more questions.. (sorry only way i'm gonna learn)

    1) is the "rogue part" screwing me up.. is it unnessary.... are traps bypassable and there for i'm wasting my time w/ it?
    2) Maybe pure ranger str based is more what i want ? THen i can just worry Hitting and defense?
    3) Are chicken wings as good as i think they are?
    4) Would non-mithril armored monk 1 / ranger 15 with 16/16/14/8/10/8 be more "effective" in combat..i don't mind splashing a lvl, but for the most part i want as many ranger lvls as possible, i feel "too multiclassed" will hurt me at high lvls, not being able to progress up the "ranger" tree..
    5) or would 1 wiz / ranger 15 give me the option of wand healing myself (with all lvls or repair wands, or is it only based on what lvl wiz i have, which i "think" will be huge for soloin' , and helping out as being a warforged.. or will that make me wimpy ac wise??
    6) what about 1 wiz / 1monk/ 14 ranger, would that give me all the abilities i want if i cut out the rogue (the defense, the self healing, and the offensive might?)

    I guess w/ 5 + 6 i'm asking as a direct response to thoughts by nbhs, is what's the difference between 1monk / 1 wiz /14ranger and 2monk / 2 wiz /12 ranger.... Does it matter what order i take them in either way...

    Sorry if i'm asking too much..

    I kinda feel "lost" with this build, but it's what i want to do, and i wanna get past the "constant rerolling" sorry to be such a pain on this topic. Feel free to pick and choose what you respond too if you even respond at all
    Last edited by Deadz; 10-17-2008 at 10:57 AM.
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  12. #32
    Community Member D'rin's Avatar
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    So here is my take.

    The rogue level will be good for a few things. One is versatility. You will be able to do traps. If a group needs a rogue, you are set. If they need dps, you are set. If they need both, you are set. If (big if with low charisma) you get your umd high enough you would be able to use repair light and maybe moderate wands. You will loose 1 BAB for taking the rogue level.

    The wiz level is going to give you an extra feat(extend) and the ability to use repair wands. You will again loose a point of BAB.

    If you combine both rogue and wiz you will loose 2 points of BAB. You will gain more versatility but at the coast of combat effectiveness.

    If you want to go straight combat oriented ranger, for a warforge I would go 2fighter 14 ranger for now. You get 2 extra feats to help with taking the tempest enhancements. Mithral body is the toughest body I would take otherwise you loose evasion. Your dex needs to be high enough(with items) to fill out the mithral body dex max. Not sure but I think this is 4. Feats you are going to want
    Dodge, mobility spring attack for tempest
    toughness especially with the new mod and toughness enhancements for WF
    improved crit
    power attack.
    mithral body.

    Taking a level of monk is hard for WF since they take a hit to wisdom and that is key for the monk. If you go this route bump up you dex and wisdom enough to make it worthwhile. Also you will not take any body feat since mithral body will cause problems with the wisdom AC bonus from the monk level.

    Personally, I think either a 1rogue/15 ranger or a 2 fighter/14 ranger would be your best bet for a starting WF. The righter ranger is going to be a little less stat intensive since you won't be as worried about int. You can focus on con,str and maybe a little dex. You might want int up to 12 so if you get a +1 int tome(really not that hard to find) you could take combat expertise for better AC.

  13. #33
    Community Member Deadz's Avatar
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    Default Well last night..

    Lastnight that's pretty much how i rolled

    I went 16str
    6cha (or is it 8)

    I dumped UMD< cause i realised i didn't have the points, and am going w/ DD, OL, Spot< search, Hide, Sneak...

    Now, after reading nhbs, i am thinking my AC will be low and i'll be made of glass, my bard was like that wasn't much fun...

    Is this viable, seems like it would be fun.. what can i realistically get my AC up too? You seem to think the oposite and say i will be alright this way.. i figure, if Ranger allows me Heal wands, i "CAN' self heal, although it will be expensive.. hopefully healers friend will help w/ the wand healing, not sure if it does.
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  14. #34
    Community Member Deadz's Avatar
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    and... I if i dropped into to 12, is spot necessary for finding trap stuff? i assume it is... I can still pump 4 at the start w/ the extra rogue points, but i will have 5 pts to spread over 6 skills at higher lvls.. then again i could alternate which one i don't skill up.. or leave one out and use gear.. ??
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  15. #35
    Community Member kingfisher's Avatar
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    the wiz splash will really help you, not just with repair wands but with extend (for bark, etc) and shield spell and blur wands too. 12 the BAB will not be a huge issue at end game and you can score some divine power clickies to help mid lvl for boss fights.

  16. #36
    Community Member WeaselKing's Avatar
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    Just wondering, why isn't your ninja turtle a monk?
    Quote Originally Posted by Milamber69 View Post
    Please forgive my personal attack, I was high on Platypus Venom at the time.

  17. #37
    Community Member Deadz's Avatar
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    I don't really know much about monks
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  18. #38
    Community Member D'rin's Avatar
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    Yes you need spot to be able to detect traps. UMD is still not wasted on this build even with a low cha. My dwarven rog/ranger is at 20+ umd without a cha item and has a 6 cha. And a 20 umd will allow you to use rr items.
    Also remember in once you get into the giant hold your AC has to be in the 50's to make it so you are not getting beat on constantly. What I would look at with this guy is making him resilent as heck with high hitpoints and an OK AC. Figure with WF toughness and a starting con of 14 you are looking at without tomes
    20 base
    120 ranger
    96 con of 22(14+2 enhancement+6 item)
    6 rogue
    18 toughness
    40 wf enhancements
    30 gfl
    10 draconic favor
    340 and I know I am missing something in there

    also with your dex you are fine to fill out a mithral body give the enhancements rangers get and items.

    Here would be your higher level ac
    10 base
    5 mithral body
    5 dex(needs a 20= 10 base +3 enhancement+1 tome+6 item)
    5 docent
    5 barkskin
    5 deflection
    2 tempest
    1 ritual on docent
    4 shield clicky or wand if umd

    now if you take CE and get a shroud weapon you will be hitting almost 50 AC without a pally around. Even more with raid loot etc... Not to bad actually.

    I hope this helps

  19. #39
    Community Member Deadz's Avatar
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    Thanks, that makes me feel alot better..

    Then if I have UMD(2), DD(2), OL(2), Spot, Search, Hide, Sneak.. how do i distribute enough points while only have 8 to spend with 14int.. man i really wish i had a 32 pt build or a +2 int tome
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  20. #40
    Community Member D'rin's Avatar
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    What you can do is skip a level every 2-3 levls of bumping open locks. Since you get multiple attempts at a lock you don't have to worry about success on a low number. You can always try again. Since hide and move silient are class skills when you dont level either umd or open lock you can hit both skills for one point each.

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