This is a heartfelt plea to my friends of Argonnessen.
I ask that you have a little more patience with the game that we love to play.
So many good players, and more importantly good friends, are leaving out of frustration. I hate to see that.
Mod 8 WILL bring more players. The new character sequence is one of the best that I have seen. It is engrossing, and will snag players at their core. More population is coming.
The lag will be dealt with. Turbine cannot push a button to solve the problem, but on Monday they are upgrading their equipment, and they are working on any network problems 18 hours/day.
Mod 8 is not just an NPE. There are 4 high-level explorer areas, the coolest 'town' so far, I think at least 5 new high-level quests, and a new raid. Not to mention a new 'grind' for armor/shields.
Then we get into Festivus, Mod 9, and much more.
Perhaps I'm just optimistic, but I really think that we are almost over this hump, and if you just hang in there a little bit longer, your passion will be relit.
I certainly don't mean to come off as a Defender of Turbine, I only seek to show some reasons why you shouldn't go anywhere. Not to mention all the friends that will miss you.
With all the sincerity I have,