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  1. #1
    Community Member eyepuppy's Avatar
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    Default Direct question to the Devs about Concordant Opposition and intimidate.

    I was about to craft my second item on my caster, and I was thinking about going with another Concordant Opposition item with HP on it. My question is, will you get a chance to receive SP and HP back from the Concordant Opposition for both items? Someone that made two ingame said he was only getting the one Concordant Opposition to proc at a time.

    Second. In PnP, you would get a +2 to intimidate skill rolls if you had 5 ranks in bluff. Do you receive this in DDO?
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  2. #2
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    there is supposedly a chance for every item to give hp and/or sp (one said the reason the proc rate is so low is that you could wear 10 of them eventually).

    Thing is, the rate is about 1% for sp, so the chance of 2 items both hitting at the same time is 1 in 10000. Thats more hits than I take in a month on my caster.
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  3. #3
    Community Member eyepuppy's Avatar
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    Well, I bit the dust and made a second Concordant Opposition item. I don't care if it doesn't stack. What else am I going to make.

    I would still like to know about intimidate though.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Turial's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eyepuppy View Post
    I was about to craft my second item on my caster, and I was thinking about going with another Concordant Opposition item with HP on it. My question is, will you get a chance to receive SP and HP back from the Concordant Opposition for both items? Someone that made two ingame said he was only getting the one Concordant Opposition to proc at a time.

    Second. In PnP, you would get a +2 to intimidate skill rolls if you had 5 ranks in bluff. Do you receive this in DDO?
    You will have 2 chances on each hit for concordant opposition to trigger. 1 trigger from the first item and the 2nd trigger from the second item. They do not increase the likely hood that either will trigger as they both trigger individually. Like many effects of the same name if they both would trigger at the same time you would only get the benafit of the better proc. So if one returns 2 sp on hit 1 and the other would give 10 sp, you would only see a return of 10 sp vs 12 sp.

    No, on the second one.
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  5. #5
    Community Member esoitl's Avatar
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    As far as I know there are no skill synergies implmented in DDO.
    A bit of a shame as they probably wouldn't be that hard to code in but there are probably very few that would still exist due to the ammount of skills taken out from pen and paper play.

    Why bother putting them in if we have only 2 or 3?

    As to the dual COpp items, the rate is extremely low so I can't ever imagine you'll have them both going off but I believe it's possible for both SP and HP to proc at the same time with a lucky roll. Best possible scenario is you get an extremely lucky roll and have both SP/HP from both proc, in which case I'd go and buy a lotto ticket.
    I'm not sure if it's possible to find out which one gives the effect but I assume if it was possible your friend would notice that when they do hit they will come from both sources and not just a single item...
    I assume the same will apply if you wore the Torq as well.

  6. #6
    Community Member Milolyen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eyepuppy View Post
    Well, I bit the dust and made a second Concordant Opposition item. I don't care if it doesn't stack. What else am I going to make.

    I would still like to know about intimidate though.
    What else would ya make? hmmm well there are duel tier 3 guard items that you could make (freezing ice, lightening strike, disintegration to name a few) if you want to get hit, then there are smoke 2 items you could make if you don't want to get hit that gives a perm 20% blur and 2 clickies of caster lvl 16 displacement. Or you could have just saved some large ingredients and not made a duel tier 3 item.

    Personally I find it kind of silly that you did that but to each there own.


    This was not meant to criticize your choice but to point out other options if you decide to make a third or if someone else is pondering what to do.

  7. #7
    Community Member Xaxx's Avatar
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    if %=1 ding
    you get hit
    item one hp rolls %33
    item one mp rolls %1
    item two hp rolls %88
    item two hp rolls %73

    ding you get mp

    this i would assume by the definition of the item and the way their procs work is the rough scetch of the behind the sceens math.

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