must've hit something twice, but its a 5 difference not 7
must've hit something twice, but its a 5 difference not 7
Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]
+2 damage sounds like its right up my alley, hopefully its not a 2 point buy in
superior focus feat seems dumb
just give us ce 2 and fighters dodge back ill be ok with that.. you bring ce 2 back i might use that superior wpn focus feat haha
just thought of something tho superior foucs must mean theres a superior weapon spec on the way and if you can get 6 damage by way of feats thats nothing to sneeze at add 2 from enhancments( 4 if your a dwarf)
Last edited by Murderface; 10-14-2008 at 02:52 PM.
Yeah I realize this isnt quite right atm but the games not finished yet either. Plus there is a MC system for a reason, you didnt really "beat" the system youre simply working within it. I too would like to see some kind of variant DR system come in for heavy armor/shield wearing characters.
I guess pretty much just doing the new raids on elite for the most part I get to see how a well formed team can use all the parts. Getting a great intimatank who can affectively turtle up for the new ones always seems to be the most important role. These roles are almost always taken be ftrs, pallys or ftr/pallys. I know its just two specific example but in pretty much any content outside of raids, you bring just about any group through them so that hardly matters.
Last edited by llevenbaxx; 10-14-2008 at 02:45 PM.
My numbers are here
I'm getting the Barb getting 7 more points per swing (5 including FWS) and doing double the amount of criticals. Please feel free to point out where you think they're incorrect.
TWF would be less damage per swing but more swings per minute and more opportunities to crit with Crit Rage II - I don't see the Barb doing less DPS in that scenario either.
I agree, but to reiterate - this was a missed opportunity to address balance. As a result the new PrE's will have to be ridiculously overpowered in order to close the gap between the melees.
Overall the new fighter enhancements make a two weapon fighter relatively on par with a similar ranger (using rams might) vs non-favored mobs.
+1 to-hit for weapon focus feat
+2 damage for weapon specialization feat
+1 damage for weapon specialization level 8 enhancement
+1 damage for weapon specialization level 16 enhancement
+1 to-hit for greater weapon focus feat
+2 damage for greater weapon specialization feat
+1 to-hit for superior weapon focus feat
Total: +3 to-hit and +6 damage Fighter Permanent.
Total: +1 to-hit and +4 damage Ranger Dispellable buff.
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but there putting massivly underpowered prc in purple dragon knight good stuff unless theres a bard around so certaily there competence bonus would have to stack with bard or be totaly useless and a waste of points, defender heres one thats totaly defensive in fact one of the stipulations is that you have to stand perfectly still for defenders abilities(standing still in ddo usualy doesnt work), then we have kensai hmmm now if it were some kind weapons master kensai with widened criticals and extra crit multiplier with one type of weapon now that would work
obviously you dont make it stack with barb stuff and make it impossible to get the extre crit multiplier make it a lvl 14 restriction. you should just look forward to the steady increase in ranger love because turbines trackrecord so far is making ranger better every single mod
please someone prove me wrong tell me one mod where ranger didnt get a big dose of love
Um, you're kind of forgetting the permanent 10% haste boost or the fact that not much stuff end game isn't a favored enemy.
My Rgr has Evil Outsiders, Constructs, Elementals and Aberrations, which is everything but what Gnolls, Trogs and the odd Troll end game right? Everything else he just uses stat damage anyway...
BUT SERIOUSLY - why are we debating this? Is there ONE PERSON who doesn't think Ftrs are underpowered compared to Barbs and Rgrs???
Last edited by Laith; 10-14-2008 at 03:00 PM.
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the way i see it sounds like superior focus might lead to superior specialization, so total from feats would be +6, then add another +2 from enhancements +4 for axe if your a dwarf. Thats a total of +8-+10 to each hand dual weilding that would be pretty darn close to fe damage for rangers...barbs offhand damage stinks getting barb pa maxed and using a offhand weapon isnt that great all your str is .5 so in the end a dwarf dual wielder would get better off hand damage per regular hit. so im thinking superior focus is pretty good sign there will be superior specialization and if theres that thers probably a third wpn spec enhancment coming
Last edited by Murderface; 10-14-2008 at 03:08 PM.
mod 8 may have been less then stellar for str rangers but it was a god blessing to finesse rangers ooo monk splash ooooo icy rainment,, lol thats all i have to say about that......
if i had a nickels for every ranger reroll i saw on my server well lets just say
i would have alot of dang nickels
Last edited by Murderface; 10-14-2008 at 03:07 PM.
Myrrhl ~ Myrak ~ Myriarch ~ Dorkamyr ~ Myrauder
The New WDA-like-thing : DDO Damage Tool
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If you're going to be accurate you can't use different races when comparing - you have to assume both are Dwarves with Dorf Axe Damage otherwise those numbers are meaningless. Also it's not just the damage per swing that makes Rgrs so great it's the permanent 10% haste boost.
I haven't crunched TWF numbers yet but guess I could. Adding SWS in the THF scenario would still equal 3 points less per swing and HALF the number of crits compared to Barbs though.
Sure it's closing the gap but it's still a long way behind.
Last edited by Cold Stele; 10-14-2008 at 03:11 PM.
Myrrhl ~ Myrak ~ Myriarch ~ Dorkamyr ~ Myrauder
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lets be honest barbs dont compare to ranger damage because of fe damage in the offhand all barbs damage comes from str there offhand is .5 if your still gthf then you now your swingin about 1 swing per 4 ranger swings so really its a big jump between barb to ranger
i would say the best damage is halflingrogues/rangers then barbs then fighters then pallys then bards then monks if there all maxed out dps that is
Last edited by Murderface; 10-14-2008 at 03:16 PM.