I like DPS. The monk splash builds are great for ridiculous AC but throw in kitchen sink raid buffs and it gets to a point of diminishing returns. Power attack is where its at for me.
Going over an idea for a high dps, AC pretty much everything toon. Im struggling to find a weakpoint in this gal... Lets go for intial 14 Pali 2 monk. I dont wanna splash more than 2 levels of another class as word on the street is the lvl 18 Pali PrC's are gonna be pretty tight.
Disclaimer 1 - +2 tomes raid loot etc - its all a grind now. All the people that are gonna jump in and say 'why do people include all the grind loot' save ur breath i really dont care. With lack of content and mod 8 catering to lowbies...*sigh* what else is there to do.
DIsclaimer 2 - Wrote this up in a hurry this morning some numbers may be out. Il remedy later.
Human 14 Pali 2 Monk
16 Str + 4 lvls + 6 item + 2 tome = 28
15 Dex +2 tome +6 item + 3 Exc(shroudL2) = 26
11 con +2 tome +6 item +1 human = 20
9 Int + 1 tome at lvl 1 (+4 for CE option eventually...)
12 Wis +1 monk +1 Human + 2 tome +6 item = 22
14 Cha + 2 Pali +2 tome + 6 item = 24 (*edit changed from 15 to 14 - +4 tomes dropping in mod 9)
Icrit (maybe free up a feat with min2..oversize?)
Toughness (minos)
10 Base
8 AC Bracers
4 Pali Aura
3 Nat (Pot)
1 Dodge
1 2wd
4 dodge icy
5 prot
4 insight
4 shield
6 wisdom
8 dex
3 chattering
1 Haste
1 Armour ritual
63 self
+4 heroics
+2 recit
+2 bark
=71 Kitchen sink
Hit points
20 Base
10 AoA
30 GFL
140 Pali
16 Monk
18 Toughness
30 Human toughness
5 monk tortoise
64 con
45 HP craft
40 Pali
Saves (lost track but its at least this)
Fort - 31
Ref - 32
Will - 29
Skills (some mix of the following... will add in breakdown later)
Ok. Am i missing something? This gal will be a smiting dps Pali. Twin lightning 2's for flavor. Possibly twin min 2s just so i can lose impr crit and maybe fit in oversize or pierce or something.
Alot tend to go for the CE route but im more in favour of dps. As i said Ac gets to a point of diminshing returns...im shooting for B+s/A's in most categories to make an A+ toon. With a base int of 10 i have the opportunity for CE if i think its gonna be useful at some sageGreat dps via might/zeal/smites - good ac, evasion, saves. Im thinking i might be quite tight on the enhancement points and havnt gone through to check them - just wanted to work on the premise and hopefully gathered knowledge of the community before i roll this gal.
By rolling with PA it means i can keep shield clickes up the whole time without worrying about CE turning off.
EDIT: removed intimitanking thoughts.
Thoughts tips suggestions? Im sure im missing something...or alot of things cos it just doesnt seem right...
And yeah i know alot of my ac can be debuffed..but twin weakening of enfeebling scimys with a hot swap too lightning 2's + chain smites = dead beholder hehe.
I am looking for suggestions as to possible changes. Would appreciate the feedback