I have some weapons/armor/items I'm looking to buy for lowbies and for when they lvl. If you have one or some and would want to make a trade, let me know.
Greater Banes [especially Giant, Goblinoid, Reptilian]
+1 Keen Rapier of Puncturing ml 6
Burst Rapiers
Especially Rapiers rr:elf/drow that are burst or puncturing rapiers
Great Axe:
Burst GAs
Greater Banes [especially Giant and Dragon, and Undead]
especially rr elf/drow burst great axes
Heavy Pick:
ml 4/6 burst heavy picks
burst heavy picks
greater bane [Especially Giant, Goblinoid, Reptilian, and Dragon]
resistance cloak or ring rr:elf/drow
+2 +3, +4, +5, +6 Cha cloak or ring , rr:elf/drow
Belt of Greater False Life rr:elf/drow
Disease Immunity Belt of Greater False Life: rr: elf/drow
Proof Against Posion Belt of Greater False Life: rr:elf/drow
Burst Repeaters
Some items would cancel out another item on the list, or be unnecessary for my build but at the moment I know I need some of these things for lowbie builds and pre-lvl 14.
I have a lot of lowbies, so I'm looking for a lot of gear for them