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  1. #1
    Community Member hydra_ex's Avatar
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    Default The Quintessential Dwarven Ranger

    The Quintessential Dwarven Ranger
    Neutral Good Dwarven 18 Ranger/2 Fighter

    Concept: A simple, powerful, Dwarven ranger. Easy to play, and does not have any mandatory gear requirements, although, obviously, better gear helps! It has a good HP, so you do not need to grind for AC gear, but if you choose to, a seizable 72 is attainable.
    As a variant, one could also choose Warforged. In that case, I would drop quick draw, move every feat up in line, and take khopesh early. Damage would increase, but you loose 1 will save, and 3 saves against spells (which might be bad, considering the reflex is a little low as it is), but you gain a better weapon, and Power Attack Enhancements (take up to III), which, although reducing to hit, would increase damage. With the 6 remaining APs, spend 3 in Favored Defense tier 3, 2 in Fighter Trip II, and 1 left over in Warforged Construct Thinking.
    Advanced Variant: Self-healing. Once you can afford a second GS item, make a GS sp cloak. Pick up some devotion enhc, empower heal instead of quick draw, and your'e done!

    Gameplay: Buff up, and smash!!! You can provide resistances, and FoM to the group, as well as top off if not self-heal. Don't forget ram's might.

    Starting Stats: (32-pt)
    18 STR
    14 DEX
    18 CON
    8 INT
    8 WIS
    6 CHA

    28-pt variant:
    Drop CON to 16; Raise WIS to 12.

    Ending Stats:
    44 STR (18 Base +5 Lvls +1 Enhc +6 Item +3 Tome +2 Ram's Might +3 Exceptional +4 Madstone +2 Rage spell)
    22 DEX (14 Base +6 Item +2 Enhc)
    28 CON (18 Base +2 Enhc +6 Item +2 Tome)
    8 INT (8 Base)
    14 WIS (8 Base +6 Item)
    6 CHA (6 Base)

    Hit Points: 541 - 561 Rage Spell - 661 Rage and Double Madstone Rage
    144 Ranger
    20 Fighter
    180 CON
    40 Dwarven Toughness
    10 Fighter Toughness
    22 Toughness
    20 Minos Legens
    20 Heroic Durability
    10 Favor
    30 Greater False Life
    45 Shroud

    20 Rage

    80 Double Madstone Rage
    20 Yuguloth

    Spell Points: 556
    202 Base
    54 WIS
    150 WIZ VI
    150 Shroud

    Armour Class: 51 - 63 fully buffed favored enemy - 72 max
    10 Base
    6 DEX
    8 Armor Bracers
    5 Barkskin
    4 Tempest
    4 Insight
    1 Dodge Feat
    3 Chattering/DT
    4 Icy Raiments
    1 Alchemical
    5 Protection (Or Shield of Faith)

    5 Paladin Aura
    4 Bard Song
    1 Haste
    2 Favored Enemy

    8 Shield (4 over tempest)
    1 Shield Ritual
    2 Shield Block
    2 Defensive Stance

    Saves: 32/27/18 - 31/32/21 Favored Enemy against Spells
    11/11/6 Ranger
    2/0/0 Fighter
    8/6/2 Ability
    5/5/5 Resistance
    1/1/1 Prayer
    4/4/4 GH

    Important Skills
    Balance: 36.5
    11.5 Ranks
    15 Tempest Necklace
    6 DEX
    4 GH
    Hide: 33
    23 Ranks
    6 DEX
    4 GH
    Jump: 89
    23 Ranks
    15 Item
    17 STR
    30 Spell
    4 GH
    Move Silently: 33
    23 Ranks
    6 DEX
    4 GH
    Tumble: 31.5
    11.5 Ranks
    6 DEX
    4 GH
    10 Spell

    1: Tougness
    3: OTWF, Fighter Bonus: Dodge
    6: Mobility
    7: Fighter Bonus: Spring Attack
    9: Improved Critical: Slash
    12: Power Attack
    15: Stunning Blow
    18: Quick Draw/Empower Healing Spell
    Favored Enemies: Undead, Giants, Evil Outsiders, Contructs (in that order)

    Level Ups:
    Always raise STR

    Season as prefered... Balance, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Tumble are my picks.

    Progression: All ranger, except levels 3 and 7, which are fighter.

    Enahncements: (80 pts)
    Fighter Haste Boost I (1 pt)
    Ranger Sprint Boost I  (1 pt)
    Dwarven Axe Attack II (6 pts)
    Dwarven Axe Damage II (6 pts)
    Dwarven Constitution II (6 pts)
    Dwarven Spell Defense III (6 pts) 
    Racial Toughness IV  (10 pts)
    Fighter Strategy: Trip I (1 pt)
    Ranger Favored Attack II  (3 pts)
    Ranger Favored Damage IV (10 pts)
    Ranger Favored Resistance III (6 pts)
    Ranger Favored Defense II (3 pts)
    Ranger Tempest III (8 pts)
    Ranger Dexterity II (6 pts)
    Fighter Strength I (2 pts)
    Fighter Toughness I (1 pt)
    [Variant: Remove Dwarven To-Hit I and II, Favored Defense I, II, Trip I, and get Devotion IV)

    Best Possible Equipment:
    Helmet: Minos Legens
    Necklace: Tempest Necklace/Kensei/Stalwart Necklace
    Goggles: Tharne's Goggles
    Trinket: Bloodstone
    Armor: Icy Raiments/DT (+5 Resistance/STR +1/EG guard)
    Cloak: Resistance +5/Air x3 SP cloak
    Gloves: Spectral Gloves/T3 HP Immunity Gloves
    Bracers: Levvik's Bracers
    Belt: FB Belt
    Ring 1: Tempest Ring/FB Ring
    Ring 2: Ring of Protection +5/Tumbleweed
    Boots: Madstone Boots/30% Striding
    Clickies of Rage FTW!
    Weapons: 2 Mineral Dwarven Axes (Holy, Acid burst, +2 Con/Holy, Acid Burst, Acid Blast) and 2 T3 Triple Good Warhammer/Morningstar/Heavy Mace (Holy, Pure Good Burst, Good Blast)
    Last edited by hydra_ex; 02-26-2010 at 04:37 PM. Reason: Edited to Update 0
    THELANIS - Chief Scientist of DARPA
    Ravinex: Bard 18/Fighter 2 - Krotus: 20 Fighter - Hemium: Ranger 18/Fighter 2 - Stema: Favoured Soul 11 - Hemios: Ranger 15/Fighter 1/Monk 1

  2. #2
    Community Member Noctus's Avatar
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    Solid build, will work smoothly.

    I suppose the Feat IC:Piercing is for effect-rapiers?
    If not i would swap it out for Two Weapon Defence.
    Erzskalde (Warchanter) / Erzassassin (just passing through - ignore me) / Erzsoldat (waiting for TR-time) / Erzschmied (ranged Artificer)

  3. #3
    Community Member Ninety's Avatar
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    your hit points are off by 30... you will have 411 before rages and such. (dwarven toughness stacks)

    edit #1:
    Bracers: Levik's is +6 str +20% healing.
    Belt: Belt of Giant's Strength... this isn't an item in game... I guess you mean belt of brute str from titan.... kind of pointless to have 2 +6 str items. bracers are more useful for this build since it has low AC and High HP... so change the belt to proof against poison of greater false life or a disease immunity belt of greater false life.

    Edit #2:
    drop the tumbleweed. you are getting +4 dex from the madstone boots, a +1 more on a non-ac non-dex based build won't matter. move the resist item to the ring slot and put the goggles you have listed in your cloak slot. this leaves the goggle slot open for the VoD goggles.

    Edit #3:
    don't ever use the full plate of the defender you lose evasion. And switching armors all the time sucks.

    Edit #4:
    Ram's might adds +4 to damage at high levels, not +2.
    GH doesn't add anything to damage.

    Edit #5:
    You have in the leveling guide part right above feats always raise Dex... I think you mean Str.
    ring #2 you have a ring of protection +5. both of the armors you have listed have protection +4. +1 ac taking up a ring slot is rather pointless when you don't even have more AC than some Sorc's I know.
    Last edited by Ninety; 10-12-2008 at 06:51 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member hydra_ex's Avatar
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    Yes, jsut for puncuting I took IC: Crit.

    Also, I wasn't really thinking when I made this. Kind of jsut copying and pasting peices, so I don't know exactly what I did...

    And I'm not so concerned with "Best Possible Equipment" since I jsut kind of threw it together, not as if I'm ever going to get it! (Tumbeweed is +1 to-hit. Don't foget forget it). But thanks for correcting my mistakes
    THELANIS - Chief Scientist of DARPA
    Ravinex: Bard 18/Fighter 2 - Krotus: 20 Fighter - Hemium: Ranger 18/Fighter 2 - Stema: Favoured Soul 11 - Hemios: Ranger 15/Fighter 1/Monk 1

  5. #5
    Community Member Ninety's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hydra_ex View Post
    Yes, jsut for puncuting I took IC: Crit.

    Also, I wasn't really thinking when I made this. Kind of jsut copying and pasting peices, so I don't know exactly what I did...

    And I'm not so concerned with "Best Possible Equipment" since I jsut kind of threw it together, not as if I'm ever going to get it! (Tumbeweed is +1 to-hit. Don't foget forget it). But thanks for correcting my mistakes
    tumbleweed is +2 to hit, not +1.

    but so are the spectral gloves that you have listed as well, and they don't stack with each other.

  6. #6
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    Honestly, if you're going for a strength-based, DPS ranger, I really think that you're better off staying pure ranger untill level 20 in order to get a 5th favored enemy. Nothing you get from 2 levels of fighter is going to be worth giving that up, if your main focus is DPS.

  7. #7
    Community Member hydra_ex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ninety View Post
    tumbleweed is +2 to hit, not +1.

    but so are the spectral gloves that you have listed as well, and they don't stack with each other.
    I'm not really too concerned with with all this loot, as I said before, so lets just stop talking about it...

    And the reasons I took the 2 fighter lvls were for the 2 extra feats, and fighter STR I. Without that I'd need to go Human, and lose out on a ton of hp. But you are correct, to maximize DPS, you must stay pure ranger. However, DPS without survivability is utterly useless, and I'm willing to give that up.
    THELANIS - Chief Scientist of DARPA
    Ravinex: Bard 18/Fighter 2 - Krotus: 20 Fighter - Hemium: Ranger 18/Fighter 2 - Stema: Favoured Soul 11 - Hemios: Ranger 15/Fighter 1/Monk 1

  8. #8
    Community Member Vengenance's Avatar
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    Default Solid Build

    This is a solid build that will do great DPS. My build is similar, but I went 12 Ranger/4 Ftr. I went Khopesh instead of Dwarvens, pretty much because I needed my enhancement points for things other than Axe Attack and Damage. Gol has a pretty good breakdown of Khopesh vs. Dwarvens and they come out about the same. Difference of 1 Feat versus the extra enhancement points. Your Hit-Points look a little low, I know with a Tier III shroud item my Dwarf Ranger stands at 470 hit-points with a 26 Con, so your numbers may be off a little. You should be able to get to close to the same level of hit points. It's a fun build to play, but if you plan on ranging, you won't be very happy with the low dex score, personally I seldom range on my Dwarven.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by hydra_ex View Post

    And the reasons I took the 2 fighter lvls were for the 2 extra feats, and fighter STR I.
    I think what you need to ask yourself is whether the two extra feats you're taking are really worth losing the 5th favored enemy.

  10. #10
    Community Member Sue_Dark's Avatar
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    I have this exact build at L16 right now. Standing HP = 379 with no GS HP item. I was of the impression that a GS HP item gave like 40 HP? Am I wrong? How are you exactly hitting 411 when we have the same con, same enhancements, etc. 32 points diff is a bit odd. I dont rage, because the clerics gripe at him enough as it is. It's like playing a barb that can toss some buffs, sorta. Ac sucks, but hits are insane.

    I also took IC: Pierce, more for things like Nips. (which I havent been able to get yet) I did however grab up some nice hvy picks. Bursting holy and fire are fun to play with from time to time.
    Fyshie the Tasty, of Thelanis
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  11. #11
    Community Member Grenfell's Avatar
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    Solid - fine.

    I would personally look to get Ranger Dex 3 -- no harm in getting to 24 or 26 dex and using the old bow once in a while. Item Defense and such are just not that useful, IMHO.

    17 str lets you get that dex up a touch also.

    My str-build rog/ranger15 uses the bow from time to time; can be useful in Shroud Part 4 when your clerics have wiped but he's a sliver from death.

    The thing that concerns me most is the low Will save. But there isn't much that can be done about that except for items.


  12. #12
    Community Member Vengenance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sue Dark View Post
    I have this exact build at L16 right now. Standing HP = 379 with no GS HP item. I was of the impression that a GS HP item gave like 40 HP? Am I wrong? How are you exactly hitting 411 when we have the same con, same enhancements, etc. 32 points diff is a bit odd. I dont rage, because the clerics gripe at him enough as it is. It's like playing a barb that can toss some buffs, sorta. Ac sucks, but hits are insane.

    I also took IC: Pierce, more for things like Nips. (which I havent been able to get yet) I did however grab up some nice hvy picks. Bursting holy and fire are fun to play with from time to time.
    With a 26 Con my Dwarven Ranger has 470 hit points. That is with one Toughness Feat, Minos Legends Helm, GFL Item, Tier III Shroud Item (+45 Hit points), and all toughness enhancements.
    Charater Names: Mostly Jeryle for the dudes and Merreth for the ladies
    Main: Wizards and Healers
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  13. #13
    Community Member Yaga_Nub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hydra_ex View Post
    I'm not really too concerned with with all this loot, as I said before, so lets just stop talking about it...

    And the reasons I took the 2 fighter lvls were for the 2 extra feats, and fighter STR I. Without that I'd need to go Human, and lose out on a ton of hp. But you are correct, to maximize DPS, you must stay pure ranger. However, DPS without survivability is utterly useless, and I'm willing to give that up.
    Actually you need to factor in the changes to Toughness when you say something like that. Humans will now have only 10 hp less than dwarves and warforged with similar enhancements.
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  14. #14
    Community Member hydra_ex's Avatar
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    I generally don't like including GS items in my builds' layouts, as I regard them as "unnatural". 401 Standing HP now w/o GS, facotring the toughness updates. Maybe you don't have a GFL, another toughness, Minos Legens, etc. If you put on a GS helm, it replaces your minos. Harry's AC is sufficiently low that my DEX should be fine.

    AS for 5th enemeny, I took +1 to hit/dmg over +2 selective dmg. Couple that with 2 bonus feats and 4 xtra hp and its no contest, IMO. 2 is the max though, as Tolero's hinted at lvl 18 Tempest III.

    Might mess around APs for ranger DEX though. And add in a turtling AC...
    THELANIS - Chief Scientist of DARPA
    Ravinex: Bard 18/Fighter 2 - Krotus: 20 Fighter - Hemium: Ranger 18/Fighter 2 - Stema: Favoured Soul 11 - Hemios: Ranger 15/Fighter 1/Monk 1

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Yaga Nub View Post
    Actually you need to factor in the changes to Toughness when you say something like that. Humans will now have only 10 hp less than dwarves and warforged with similar enhancements.
    It will be interesting how this players out in the Tempest world. The thing about humans is the stat allocation of a human is slightly worse than the stat allocation for dwarves for three stat characters. My tempest dwarves could start at 18/16/16 (except for the one I made upon announcement of tempest when STWF was thought to be coming out went 18/17/13).

    The human can start at 18/15/15. My dwarves can get 10 more points of toughness under the new enhancment system and 16 more points from the con racial enhancements. The humans get an extra feat, and this feat will probably be EWF-Khopesh to maintain parity with a dwarf that duals DA's and takes the damage enhancements. I have both types, and damage seems to be a wash. The humans also get an extra skill point and access of HV-boosts.

    Depending on whether the player splashes another class, humans can theoretically get a higher strength (w/ 2 level fighter splash, the human will be at 32 strength with GHA-Strength and +2 tome). If someone went 18/14/16 on a human and splashed 6 levels of fighter (ultimately going 13 Rr/7 Fighter) they would be at 34/29/28 at 16, which is better than the stat allocation of any dwarven tempest I've made (best is 32/28/28 on my 10/6). It would require +3 tomes in strength, Dex, and Con and use of human adaptability enhancements in Strength and dex.

    Bah, it doesn't matter. I can't roll a human melee. They run funny and look goofy.

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