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  1. #1
    Community Member Wurmwood's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Default DDO Volunteer Guides

    Everquest, as well a few other MMO's have a system set up to where people can volunteer a few hours a week to the game and help out new players, and escalate tickets to the GM's (if there is any left).
    Someone close to me *cough* was a Guide for both Everquest 1, and Everquest II. "They" could take on the form of an npc, and gather players and tell a story, handout cookies, and milk, etc. Sometimes there were server wide events where a group of Avian NPC's were harassing new players on the newbie area, and they needed help from would be heroes to save the day, and they got rewarded with small items for participating.
    Dungeons and Dragons is a game that is supposed to immerse you into the world. You don your characters persona and set about adventures seeking riches and glory.
    I have to admit when I first started playing DDO, I thought it was awesome. But now it feels like another grind fest. Every quest is predictable. I have been on a few quests where I just stop and say, "Yep, this area is trapped.." its obvious. The narration is bland (Bless you Gygax), most of them sound like they are reading off a script (which they are) but come one, make it sound real! I almost want to record my own narration and just mute the game (as nerdy as that sounds)
    The only way for this game to survive is to get people involved, and immersed into the game.
    I know there is something similar that turbine has, but lets face it, its a joke. Open up the program to us, and we can turn this game around.

    Given the state of the game, with a mere 22,000 subscribers (give or take a thousand) it looks like turbine could use some help from the community to make this game profitable (than it is). Lets face it, "by the time they make ends meet, the game will meet its end". (Hurray for Target globe heady things that talk!)
    Last edited by Wurmwood; 10-12-2008 at 12:15 PM.
    The worse this game gets, the more I am inching towards making my own DDO! [ With Unreal Engine, Blackjack and Hookers too! Hookers as in Fish ]

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