Build breakdown below character planner post
I'm not familiar at all with equipment at high levels, so I'm afraid I can't show this builds full potential. However, here's my shot:Code:Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 2.96 DDO Character Planner Home Page Tank Level 16 Lawful Good Warforged Male (11 Fighter \ 3 Paladin \ 2 Monk) Hit Points: 308 Spell Points: 0 BAB: 15\15\20\25\25 Fortitude: 23 Reflex: 16 Will: 15 Starting Feat/Enhancement Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats (32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 16) Strength 16 22 Dexterity 14 14 Constitution 16 18 Intelligence 12 13 Wisdom 6 6 Charisma 12 14 Tomes Used +1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 1 +1 Tome of Charisma used at level 1 Starting Feat/Enhancement Base Skills Modified Skills Skills (Level 1) (Level 16) Balance 2 0 Bluff 1 2 Concentration 3 4 Diplomacy 1 2 Disable Device n/a n/a Haggle 1 3 Heal -2 -2 Hide 2 0 Intimidate 5 26 Jump 7 20 Listen -2 -2 Move Silently 2 0 Open Lock n/a n/a Perform n/a n/a Repair 1 1 Search 1 1 Spot -2 -2 Swim 3 2 Tumble n/a 2 Use Magic Device 3 11.5 Level 1 (Fighter) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Dodge Feat: (Selected) Mithral Body Level 2 (Monk) Feat: (Monk Bonus) Deflect Arrows Level 3 (Monk) Feat: (Selected) Force of Personality Feat: (Monk Bonus) Toughness Level 4 (Paladin) Level 5 (Paladin) Level 6 (Paladin) Feat: (Selected) Luck of Heroes Level 7 (Fighter) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Combat Expertise Level 8 (Fighter) Level 9 (Fighter) Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Resilience Level 10 (Fighter) Level 11 (Fighter) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Shield Bash Level 12 (Fighter) Feat: (Selected) Bullheaded Level 13 (Fighter) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Shield Mastery Level 14 (Fighter) Level 15 (Fighter) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Shield Mastery Feat: (Selected) Lightning Reflexes Level 16 (Fighter) Enhancement: Fighter Tower Shield Mastery I Enhancement: Fighter Tower Shield Mastery II Enhancement: Fighter Tower Shield Mastery III Enhancement: Way of the Clever Monkey I Enhancement: Paladin Bulwark of Good I Enhancement: Paladin Resistance of Good I Enhancement: Paladin Extra Lay on Hands I Enhancement: Fighter Intimidate I Enhancement: Fighter Intimidate II Enhancement: Fighter Intimidate III Enhancement: Paladin Charisma I Enhancement: Fighter Strength I Enhancement: Fighter Strength II Enhancement: Fighter Toughness I Enhancement: Fighter Toughness II Enhancement: Fighter Toughness III Enhancement: Fighter Toughness IV Enhancement: Warforged Constitution I Enhancement: Warforged Constitution II Enhancement: Warforged Construct Thinking I Enhancement: Warforged Construct Thinking II Enhancement: Warforged Damage Reduction I Enhancement: Warforged Damage Reduction II Enhancement: Warforged Damage Reduction III Enhancement: Warforged Hardiness I Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend I
26 base build
11 item
2 heroism potion
3 +6 cha item
Armor class:
10 base
5 mithral body
5 dex (with +6 item)
5 docent
9 +5 tower shield
1 dodge
5 CE
2 self pally aura
3 barkskin pot (or do they sell +4's now?)
5 +5 prot item
1 parrying weapon
= 51/53 blocking, which I know is not enough. Am I missing anything and what can I do to get it higher? What other pieces of equipment will help me here?
23 base build
3 +6 con item
3 +6 cha item
5 +5 resist item
2 pally aura
2 heroism
1 parrying item
= 39/43 with Resilience
16 base build
3 +6 dex item
3 +6 cha item
5 +5 resist item
2 heroism
2 pally aura
1 parrying weapon
= 32/33 vs. traps/36 with Resilience. Is this enough?
15 base build
3 +6 cha item
3 +6 cha item again (force of personality)
5 +5 resist item
2 heroism
2 pally aura
1 parrying weapon
=31/33 vs. enchantments/35 with Resilience.
308 base
46 +6 con item
20 improved False life item
Other perks of this build:
minor UMD potential
Massive DR when blocking with a shield, thanks to Shield mastery and Improved Shield mastery
Evasion (not really worth mentioning, but it's there)
As a warforged I don't have to worry about poison, disease, exhaustion, paralysis, enervation, etc. which allows me more manueverability in the equipment department. I won't have to worry about taking off my +6 con belt to put on my poison proof item.
Any comments or suggestions, particularly in the AC and Reflex save department, are welcome.
Edited from original to include suggestions