Is the Quell's Intersession suppose to stop monk finishers(triple fist of light). I have a 7 pally 6 ranger 3 monk. I know paladins can get hit and stops the pally abilities, but im not sure if it should stop the monk finisher.
Is the Quell's Intersession suppose to stop monk finishers(triple fist of light). I have a 7 pally 6 ranger 3 monk. I know paladins can get hit and stops the pally abilities, but im not sure if it should stop the monk finisher.
Mavnimo of Khyber-Prophets of the New Republic
By the D&D rules, Intersession stops divine magic, and monks are not divine. DDO monks are a little more like divine, in that they have more overtly-magical abilities such as outputting positive energy. But, Bards are also capable of positive energy healing, and they're certainly neither divine casters nor vulnerable to Intersession.
In general, divine powers are granted by external beings, arcane powers are from imposing your will on the (un)natural world, and monk abilities are by focused control of your own body.
I tried the other triple(fire,water,wind,earth) finishers and they all worked while quelled. didn't get to try the combo ones but i will tomorrow night. mainly use fire/light/fire and water/light/water but ill try them all just to check. only one for now that doesn't work is the triple light finisher.
Mavnimo of Khyber-Prophets of the New Republic
That's because all Monk finishing moves mimic spells. The other effects mimic arcane spells - which are not effected by Quells. Only the healing effects would be already considered divine - hence why those are the monk abilities that are K.O.d, and no others.
It's a coding shortcut that the Devs used. They could easily change it the way they changed the Monk Burning Hands-like finisher (removed the cap on damage), but they likely won't. I have no basis on saying that beyond a growing cynicism and an obviously shrinking Dev team left to handle these kids of things.
PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
less buffing, more nerfing!!!
to make it easier for those of you that wants to avoid me in game, all my characters are in "Bladesworn Mercenaries"