I will, for brevity's sake, not go into detail many of the issues that have been voiced in other threads, but will list a few which I have not yet seen an adequate response to (or, in some cases any response) their queries. First and foremost would be the request for guild housing, as I am sure many of us would love that, and secondary to that guild banking.
My primary question today is about the game mechanic for a guild leader and a guild successor. Why is it that we cannot designate any of our alts, even on other accounts we pay for, to have the same executive powers, as it were, as the original guild leader? For instance, I have three accounts and my first account has Hordo on it, our guild leader toon. Why can I not on my second account designate Hordiva or on my third, Hordoson, to be 'guild leader de facto' when I am on those accounts thereby saving me the time it takes to switch over to another account and log onto another toon to do some official guild business that may arise.
Mind you, I like to be on the 'leader' toon whenever I conduct 'out-of-guild' business too, so it would really help out for me. I know that other guild leaders have multiple accounts as well. Heck, why not let us set who has 'de facto' leader power to do everything like promoting, demoting, adding, removing and even setting a successor but just leave the one thing of disbanding on the original guild leader toon?
Granted, this may just be too much of a pain in the tuchas for you to want to deal with, and that is cool too, but please, at least give me a response of some sort.
Thank you.