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  1. #1

    Default Hey Turbine! I got your new content right here.....

    Ok, well it seems we're in a rut as far as things to do.

    And everyone is clamoring for new content. Being as it is that the Dev's are so overworked with Mod 8 coming (as is evident by lack of forum interaction), I'm guessing that they could use all the help they can get.

    So I offer the following new quest/raid ideas for future mods, figuring if "we" the playerbase can cut out the time spent on "coming up with the idea", they can just get around to implementing it and we should be able to see more material on a faster basis.

    Heck, they might even consider player designed dungeons. I submit mine below.........

    Ghallanda - The a team
    Borrigain Gnollslayer : Lorraidyn Terrakaen : Philonius Purge
    "Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Anonymous

  2. #2

    Default Dragon-Castle Adventure!

    Ok, so in this one you have to adventure around the landscape and fend off baby dragons while you find the lost gold chalice you have to return to the Gold Castle. You have to get various keys from different castles to open the castles to get the gold chalice. Then you fight the boss dragon before you can return the gold chalice and win the raid.

    Ghallanda - The a team
    Borrigain Gnollslayer : Lorraidyn Terrakaen : Philonius Purge
    "Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Anonymous

  3. #3

    Default Kong of the Mountain

    Now in this one, the princess has been kidnapped by a giant ape beast and he has taken her to the top of a huge mountain type thing (think Tempest Spine). It is your party's job to rescue her. But instead of going "thru" the mountain, you go up the outside. Trick is, he's throwing stuff at you the whole way up. Get the top, fight the bad guy, get the princess, win a prize!

    (Twitch skills are a plus )

    moving on.......
    Ghallanda - The a team
    Borrigain Gnollslayer : Lorraidyn Terrakaen : Philonius Purge
    "Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Anonymous

  4. #4

    Default Warmongers!

    Now in this one, various Ogre kings have built fortresses upon hills surrounding a critical supply crossroads. They have cut off the crossroads and preventing carvans from reaching Stormreach. Your party has been dispatched to disband the blockade by any means necessary and open the crossroads. You must breakdown the walls of the fortresses while dodging missile fire from the ramparts and destroy the Ogres inside.

    (Rangers will love it! )

    on a roll now......
    Ghallanda - The a team
    Borrigain Gnollslayer : Lorraidyn Terrakaen : Philonius Purge
    "Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Anonymous

  5. #5

    Default Jungle Pits of Doom!

    Fairly straightforward, but has alternate paths! Ok, your party has heard that a vast treasure is being horded in the jungle by a Marilith queen. Go get it! Make your way thru the jungle dodging obstacles and avoiding pits to work to the queen. But non-twitchers take heart! The subterranean path requires combat and trap skills to avoid the jumping, dodging, and timing the of the surface.

    (Rogues have a function again! )

    and last but not least.......and my personal favorite.......
    Last edited by Borrigain; 10-09-2008 at 11:19 PM.
    Ghallanda - The a team
    Borrigain Gnollslayer : Lorraidyn Terrakaen : Philonius Purge
    "Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Anonymous

  6. #6

    Default The Ultimate quest

    What’s this? A text Adventure?! Okay, now we’re talkin’ some hardcore old-school gaming! Get your fingers ready to do some typing! And use that brain for something other than wholesome nutritious alcohol fodder! Patience is a must, no zerging here, get used to "you can't do that from here"......

    (A raging barb's favorite by far!!! )

    Now dev's, see how easy that was?

    Players of Stormreach unite! We're smart enough, we're good enough, and doggone it, people like us. What can YOU come up with?

    Ghallanda - The a team
    Borrigain Gnollslayer : Lorraidyn Terrakaen : Philonius Purge
    "Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Anonymous

  7. #7
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Bat Invaders

    You start in a dark room

    then flying bats come from above casting dispel magic.

    you have to dodge them while firing arrows at them using multishot (makes rangers useful again) until they're all dead, and then you get to loot 600gp.


    Garth 20/ftr (Kensei) Haeson 20/clr Cairis 12/ftr 6/rgr 2/rog Xortan 20/wiz
    Tinosa 20/brd Garthbot 20/fvs Gaarth 18/ftr 1/rgr 1/rog (Stal Def)
    Tibetan 20/mnk Automatic DDO raid timers Haezon 20/sor (Conj)

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Apr 2008

    Default Lol

    I just had to say, that made me laugh...

    Brings back the memories. lol.
    Very cool ideas all around...
    Khyber: Proud Officer of the Stormreach Thieves' Guild
    Dracknar, Drackniera, Dracknira, Dracknoid, Dracknord, Drackner, Drackpunk, Drackstar , Drackspell, Drackbeat, Drackbank, Dracknoir, Dracknura

  9. #9
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    Default Monks are useful again

    You start across a gaping chasm

    monsters start running across and you have to jump onto them and use them to cross the chasm. You have to avoid the scorpions which can't be killed.

    Or if you have a monk in the group then they can Abundant Step across - make monks wanted in groups!

    Once you're across, you loot the chest


    Garth 20/ftr (Kensei) Haeson 20/clr Cairis 12/ftr 6/rgr 2/rog Xortan 20/wiz
    Tinosa 20/brd Garthbot 20/fvs Gaarth 18/ftr 1/rgr 1/rog (Stal Def)
    Tibetan 20/mnk Automatic DDO raid timers Haezon 20/sor (Conj)

  10. #10


    Awesome Garth, keep 'em coming, one of the darts just HAS to hit them somewhere....


    Ghallanda - The a team
    Borrigain Gnollslayer : Lorraidyn Terrakaen : Philonius Purge
    "Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Anonymous

  11. #11
    Community Member WorldTraveler's Avatar
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    Oct 2007

    Default I think we have a winner.

    Yup. No doubt about it. My vote for thread of the week. Old school games for the win.

  12. #12
    Founder Lehrman's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    omg, thats funny!

  13. #13
    Community Member Wurmwood's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    I think I love you...
    The worse this game gets, the more I am inching towards making my own DDO! [ With Unreal Engine, Blackjack and Hookers too! Hookers as in Fish ]

  14. #14
    Community Member Lundivar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    Bravo, nice Post! Feel my content quota filling up...
    Lunorst Yappa - Thelanis! Lvl 18 Cleric - Dance me blades, DANCE!... and no I don't do DV's
    Yakk Yappa -Thelanis! Lvl 13 Barbarian - I Hit Stuff! And... I Hit Stuff!
    Lania - Cannith! Lvl 3 Favoured Soul - I'm still finding myself...

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by willphase View Post
    You start across a gaping chasm

    monsters start running across and you have to jump onto them and use them to cross the chasm. You have to avoid the scorpions which can't be killed.

    Or if you have a monk in the group then they can Abundant Step across - make monks wanted in groups!

    Once you're across, you loot the chest

    wait is'nt that part 4 of the shroud?
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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  16. #16
    Community Member ZarakNur's Avatar
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    Here's one i've been working on for a while...

    It is an adventure arc, designed mostly for Rangers, but any class should be able to do it with ranged weapons.

    You start out in a large room, keep your ranged weapons ready!!

    Lots of loot, but watch out for the enemies, they can kill you with a touch!!

    Look out for the traps as well!!

    A shot to ther head works every time!!

    And let us not forget the DRAGONS!!!

    Warforged: Hieroh Protagonist, Halberd, Brunsen
    Dwarfs: Stonebones, Reuger of the Mror Holds, Stuntman Mike, Zarakk Nur
    Halfling: Slagador, Human: Baalthezar ALL on Ghallanda
    and one Trust Fund Dorf on Argo: Torlan

  17. #17
    Community Member Accounnas's Avatar
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    Smile Fun post

    Ty Borriggain; felt gd to laugh at those old games mixed w our own.

  18. #18


    The Devil Circus

    The party must show unprecediented teamwork as you take turns lauching each other into the air with the teeter-totter. The party must defeat its enemies while airborn but make sure you land on the teeter-totter or a terrible death awaits below!

  19. #19
    Community Member Mystikill's Avatar
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    Great Post.
    *Mystikill* Lotto* Financialaid* Lottastuff* Pillowpants* Sneaksnack* Windchime* Lottarust* Lottos* Lottarage* Lottoaid*
    Guild Leader of Bane on Thelanis

  20. #20
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Shroud part 6

    STOP PRESS, the devs have released information about Part 6 of the Shroud:

    You don't dodge the delayed blast fireballs - you bat them straight back at Harry!

    Get ready with your Mass Protection from Energy!


    Garth 20/ftr (Kensei) Haeson 20/clr Cairis 12/ftr 6/rgr 2/rog Xortan 20/wiz
    Tinosa 20/brd Garthbot 20/fvs Gaarth 18/ftr 1/rgr 1/rog (Stal Def)
    Tibetan 20/mnk Automatic DDO raid timers Haezon 20/sor (Conj)

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