So I've been playing this game since early closed beta but I've always preferred to play damage dealing classes.
I recently talked a friend into playing and I figured I'd build a cleric so we could level together since you always need a healer.
The cleric is just going to be plain ole healing focused. I tend to be a min/maxer...I just rolled a dwarf. 18 wis/20 con rest base.
The question is, am I going to have enough feats to take everything I need and take toughness?...I like HP's on my casters
I figure I'll probably want: max/empower/empowered healing/ MT/IMT/Extend/Quicken/Toughness.
That's to many. Which of these should go? Did I miss anything important?
While I'm guessing I'll probably end up not having enough room for toughness...assuming I do take toughness, as a pure healer, what would you drop and why?