My main character is a 12 rogue who I absolutely love to play. Recently, some guild mates decided to start a weekly dedicated group so I started my first alt. I was going to make another rogue but they already had one so I decided to make a fighter/rogue.
Right now, he's a drow, 2 Rogue/1 Fighter and will probably take fighter levels the rest of the way or at least for the next several levels. He's got TWF, Oversized TWF, and Toughness. Stats are 16, 18, 14, 10, 10, 10 if I recall correctly. I'll be putting all his stat level-ups into strength.
What fighter enhancements should I take? I've taken drow rapier damage and will take the drow rapier attack enhancements as well but other than that, I'm not sure which fighter enhancements are best. Do fighers have enhancement lines, like my rogue's Way of the Assassin?
My main role in the group will be DPS and off-tanking.