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  1. #21
    Community Member Yajerman01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boldrin View Post
    Looked good until I saw Repeater Proficiency, lol. Still a little too squishy for my tastes. Can get comparable stats with a 32 point dwarf. and have 100 more hps

    Bah... nothing wrong with heavy repeaters BOldrin. Aleutian used to use them all the time and they are very effective. The New ALeutian has it as well - and he aint gimp, and even has more HP then previous. Of course I splashed him with some fighter now :P
    The one and only Aluecian - Congo Bowl I Champions, Team InB4Lock - Survival Builds(NEWEST BUILD IS AT POST #48): Pic of Me, Post# 332

  2. #22
    Community Member tc12's Avatar
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    I have a similar build -- major exception being mine is Ro13/F3 for 2 extra feats. I've always had repeater and ic: ranged, but really find myself in melee as it just does more damage. I'm not saying ranged can't work, it just takes some dedication and I've found it not to be my thing, so will be soon aquiring some shards and swapping in the 2wf chain.

    Now I was a big fan of WotM I, it really offers just what bump most rogues need at a very cost-effective spend. I would always point out builds on the forums where it would be more efficient when folks spend the individual skill enhancements and spent more for less results. So naturally I re-trained for WotM II when it came out. With WotM II my skills look like:

    unbuffed/unboosted" "boost II & GH"
    Open 65 72
    Disable 63 67
    Search 53 60
    Spot 46 53

    Besides WotM II that includes SF: search & nimble fingers. My INT is 18 (including +3 reaver INT tome), so 24 when needed.

    My thoughts after having carried this a while? OVERKILL! Instead I'm now looking at re-training to WotTA. And then carry Open I, Disable II, Elf Search I / Rogue Search I, Elf Spot I / Rogue Spot I. This should drop my skills down to:

    unbuffed/unboosted" "boost II & GH"
    Open 59 66
    Disable 58 62
    Search 49 56
    Spot 42 49

    And I think these are plenty high. What do I gain? Well the immunity to knockdown effects and slippery surfaces really seems to makes up for not reliably doing the Cabal trap on Elite as I could before. So one -- optional -- trap lost in one quest I never run anymore anyway, for something that will benefit me in several quests I do run often.

    So ya it's cool to post mega-high rogue skills, but really enough is enough and more is a waste of other skills/abilities you could have instead.

    That all said, remember feedback here is a lot of hyperbole. The reason I never bothered to re-feat / re-train sooner is that I was pretty effective as it was. But looking at it closer, no reason not to be better.


    PS the 4 level-ups in INT is a waste. At least move one of those to CON, as you canNOT count on pulling the +3 tome you want, no matter how much you pound the raids where they drop...

  3. #23
    Founder TreknaQudane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSFurious View Post
    Bad advice here
    That is even worse than the rogue with no direction the OP posted

  4. #24
    Founder Solmage's Avatar
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    With a high int rogue, and considering how over-skilled you are, consider dropping way of the mechanic for way of the assassin. You'll probably enjoy him more, and will be as effective as you want to be with traps.

    (Caveat: Mechanic I may be better until you are high enough level to qualify for assassin II, then just do a respec)
    Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.

  5. #25
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    Can I ask how UMD got to 41 with charisma of 12?

    my rogue at 12th level has 24 charisma, 26 by 16th level, and currently his umd is 28.
    4 levels from now that will be 32.......34 when I get the head, 38 with greater hero and 39 because of my charisma boost at 16th.

    - rogue skill boost level 1 +2 pts
    - prayer scroll +1
    - bard songs +4

    a potential of 39 - 46 but I have skill focus UMD and 14 more pts in charisma.

    What am I missing?
    Ever bleed out in a thornbush? Welcome to UD14.

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by captain1z View Post
    Can I ask how UMD got to 41 with charisma of 12?
    Stat +1
    Stat Item +3
    Ranks +19
    Luck (Head of Good Fortune) +5
    Seven Fingered Gloves +5
    Skill Focus: UMD +3
    Rogue Skill Boost IV +5
    UMD 41

    That's one way to do it. You could also stir in a greensteel charisma skills item in there somewhere to substitute for whatever you don't have.
    Brenna, Tzanna, and Tzinna Wavekin
    The Dancing Rogues of Argonnessen

  7. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by SableShadow View Post
    Stat +1
    Stat Item +3
    Ranks +19
    Luck (Head of Good Fortune) +5
    Seven Fingered Gloves +5
    Skill Focus: UMD +3
    Rogue Skill Boost IV +5
    UMD 41

    That's one way to do it. You could also stir in a greensteel charisma skills item in there somewhere to substitute for whatever you don't have.

    Luck +5?

    Stat +1
    Ranks +19
    Luck (Head of Good Fortune) +2
    Shroud Item +6
    Seven Fingered Gloves +5
    Skill Focus: UMD +3
    Rogue Skill Boost IV +5
    UMD 41
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  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by SableShadow View Post
    Stat +1
    Stat Item +3
    Ranks +19
    Luck (Head of Good Fortune) +2
    Seven Fingered Gloves +5 (+3 if cartouche)
    Skill Focus: UMD +3
    Rogue Skill Boost IV +5
    GH +4
    UMD 42
    shroud GS for +6 (48)

    That's one way to do it. You could also stir in a greensteel charisma skills item in there somewhere to substitute for whatever you don't have.
    corrected ya mistakes
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  9. #29
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    ...Stupid ninja-edit.
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  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Tanka View Post
    ...Stupid ninja-edit.
    muah hahaha
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  11. #31
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SableShadow View Post
    Stat +1
    Stat Item +3
    Ranks +19
    Luck (Head of Good Fortune) +5
    Seven Fingered Gloves +5
    Skill Focus: UMD +3
    Rogue Skill Boost IV +5
    UMD 41

    That's one way to do it. You could also stir in a greensteel charisma skills item in there somewhere to substitute for whatever you don't have.
    Quote Originally Posted by DaveyCrockett View Post
    Luck +5?

    Stat +1
    Ranks +19
    Luck (Head of Good Fortune) +2
    Shroud Item +6
    Seven Fingered Gloves +5
    Skill Focus: UMD +3
    Rogue Skill Boost IV +5
    UMD 41

    currently working on getting shroud flagged so I can begin crafting a radiance or disintegrate rapier.... havent fully made up my mind. A charisma skill item is a good idea though............ maybe goggles. I ll go research it now........thnx.
    Ever bleed out in a thornbush? Welcome to UD14.

  12. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by captain1z View Post
    currently working on getting shroud flagged so I can begin crafting a radiance or disintegrate rapier.... havent fully made up my mind. A charisma skill item is a good idea though............ maybe goggles. I ll go research it now........thnx.
    get a gird, you dun need to get a shroud item to hit 40+
    If you want to know why...

  13. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by Aranticus View Post
    corrected ya mistakes

    Doh! Yah, thanks. Same to Davy. Not my most embarassing post ever, but up there.
    Brenna, Tzanna, and Tzinna Wavekin
    The Dancing Rogues of Argonnessen

  14. #34
    Community Member query's Avatar
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    Default Yeah,

    by tryinng to be all over the place, yoiu end up with an overskilled rogue with too many attack feats and not enough rogue specialty feats.

    I have a halfling rogue very similar and she even has less int. I decided that the number one problem with fighting rogues is people think they are tanks but are really debuffing or damage inducing throiugh specialty weapons more than DPS. And even with a so called "high" AC, many end up pink or red named on the floor fast.

    So I decided to make a ranged combat rogue using heavy repeaters (the halfing can only throw daggers in DDO anyway without penalty.)

    Then after looking at my short and long term abilities (yes I can fight with melee weapons via finesse but am not usually a TWF) I also took WOTA. It was the best decision I ever made. It was scary how fast enemies that had vulurbilities/were sneakable went down with a repeater or melee....almost as fast as my deepwoods sniper and that says something since I didn't take rapid shot (ATM!)

    So, as others have said,drop the DD way down, lower the int cost, drop the +2 int tome by L 2 and any mandatory tomes and think of TWO things you want to do well. Now, decide which is more important, and that's your primary build.To stop one trick pony builds, focus on your secondary ability You should plan out the costs on your planner and build that way.

    If you really want a do everything, play a no focus bard. Yeah, they bite too.

    Oh and I have 2 success MC builds w rogue and one pure rogue and all are doing well. You'd never even know the multis are rogues at first glance so that says somethig too about my disguise skill points

    Be careful what you wish for, what you say is best; for sometimes what you seek is found, not at the end of the quest.
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  15. #35
    Community Member eyepuppy's Avatar
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    I can't believe this build was posted on the Stormreach Chronicles... I'm sorry to say that, but this rogue will bring nothing to the party in terms of DPS. You have a repeater ( heavy repeater which is slower mind you) but no TWF. Repeaters are nice mind you, but you could be doing so much more DPS, stat damage and the like with TWF.

    70 DD? Are you kidding? On elite, a 55 should be able to get any trap. 55 is well enough for any rogue. This might change in later mods, but you can always respec to where you need to be.

    Why way of the mechanic? This really doesn't bring much to the table other than some skill bonuses. Your rogue would be so much better with way of the assassin. Your high INT would really help out with the insta kill strike (forgot name :P)

    Your HP is well enough for most cases. The only problem I would see is an elite shroud raid. But who does those all the time :P
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