Playing around with getting max intimdate
Note: I am aware that this would sacrifice all kinds of things that make a melee good, just trying to get the max so I can balance the numbers from that point
Pali 6 / Fighter 10 or Fighter 16 Human
+19 max ranks
+12 Chr[34, max chr] - Chr 20 base, +4 level up, +3 tome, +6 Chr Item, +3 shroud exceptional Chr
+03 Skill Focus Intim
+02 Bullheaded
+06 Shroud Charisma Skill Increase item
+15 Intim item
+03 Fighter Intim III
+01 Fighter Intim IV or (+1 Chr via pali Chr II)
+02 Luck from HoGF
+04 Deneith Intim IV
67 - unbuffed
+05 Human Versitility
72 - 20 seconds self activated
Ok, someone bored please beat this number