...That is kind of pointless.
Ok so there is crippling armor that drops from the Hound Raid. Pretty nice for a ranged type considering it is a chain shirt and would require high dex to get all the AC bonuses. With the crippling effect, pretty much perfect for a bow user / repeater build... excpet one thing. Doesn't work on ranged. Now rumor has it, it will NOT be fixed next mod. Instead, in yet another stroke of genius, the going rumor is that the TEXT will be fixed to say only melee gets the crippling benefit. Silly. Make a good light armor and then make it so that 90% + of light armor wearers won't us it. White robes and KDS (lesser raid loot by the way) carry a better armor bonus.
This is just another example of why I get so frustrated with this game. Instead of fixing the the armor to fit the original description, they just fix the description to fit the broken ability of the armor.
And people wonder why the population is waning...