After reading Impaqt's rant thread #1, I wondered what we could do as a playerbase to assist in the retention of new players and adding content to the game faster.
I have come up with 2 items to discuss, that the devs probably won't do anytime soon but we could do it here. I have been gone for almost 6 months so if my info isn't updated bare with me.

1) What quests in the game need minor changes in order to increase their fun/replayability? The shrines that were removed from quests that were loot runs 2+ years ago don't really serve a purpose anymore. There are many quests in the midlevel range with lower xp totals then ww. My initial list:

I believe all group quests should have a res shrine minimum to elimate the annoyance of dying and having to run to the quest again while the others wait on you to finish it.

Adjust the xp on quests. This doesn't need to be done in one mod, it can be done in increments monthly. New players will naturally follow the current progression of xp/hour quests and see less of the game, thus get bored quicker. If you adjust the xp, there would be less reason to run the normal leveling quests, and more reason to grab favor on the way up.

Make VON prerequisites doable in any order.

Add relics to chest loot tables in GH, shroud ingrediants to Vale, named items in Sub. More reason to "explore" the beautiful landscapes. Don't need high %, maybe 1 in 10 for relics and 1 in 20 for ingrediants.

2) What quests would you like to see the map reused for higher level quests?
Invaders was a nice example of using a current map, current monsters, and less dev resources to make. There should be little reason why such a quest couldn't be made monthly at a minimum. Code NPC to give quest, place monsters and chest, QA it.
My initial list:

Stormcleave map reused with a L16+ Giant army(including undead Giants).
A new Threnal excavation for high end, can reuse parts of the other maps.
Gwylans Stand, remove the crates, add Vulkoor invasion.
Redfang with the Vale spiders(magical beasts)
Add your favorite maps!