Oh, I was taking a big picture look alright. Actually, in this case, he was in the front of the pack leading the charges. We were running Rainbows and were going to run past the earth ellies and rusties and burn them at the steps/ramp up. All of us were there except for the "melees". I had to run back through the mobs to get to them to keep them alive because one of the earth ellies had all three of them in a corner killing them. They couldn't even hit the dang thing. (Don't ask why they stayed to fight it in the first place. I have no answer for that.) The sorc came running back and killed the ellie for them.
None of them even tried to heal themselves through the entire quest and the Pally never used LoH to heal himself when he was about to die. (I actually grouped with a Pally and a Bard today that did the same thing. A Pally and a Bard that don't even heal THEMSELVES??