My original post of this was a 10 rogue / 6 fighter...from all the input I have recieved I have edited the post to the split shown. Any more help with the build would be greatly appreciated.
Dwarf Lawful Good 10 Rogue / 3 Fighter / 3 Paladin
The concept is as an Inti-build to keep aggro and if for some reason I happen to have a monster that wants to turn his back a little before my intimidate recharges I can just stab him in the back for a large number that automatically gives me aggro right back.
I am at work right now so some of my calculations may be incorrect as I am doing this from memory. I rolled a character last night and was thinking of a split like this. 10 rogue 3 fighter 3 paladin High DPS high AC Intimidate build that also has full trap abilities. Before I get alot of negative feedback about tomes I will state that plus 2 tomes fall frequently and aren't nearly as uncommon as the once were. That being said I still only used 2 plus 2 tomes. Here is what I am working on atm.
Str 17 - +2 Tome +1 Ftr Str +4 Levels +6 Item = Str 30
Dex 15 - +2 Tome +3 Rogue +6 Item = Dex 26
Con 10 - +2 Dwarf Con +6 Item = Con 18
Int 12 - +2 Tome +6 Item = Int 20
Wis 8 - +6 Item = Wis 14
Cha 11 - +1 Tome +6 Item = Cha 18
The most important skills of this build with no enhancements and gear were...Also I should have enough to keep trap and lock skills close to maxed but not quite, so maybe not all leet traps for me.
Intimidate - 21
UMD - 21
The build will be a sword and board build wearing +5 Mith Breastplate and a +5 Mith Heavy Shield in intimidate mode. The armor class break down will be as follows if I remember correctly. If I make any errors please correct me, like I stated i'm at work atm.The Dex bonus to the AC comes from the 5 base max dex the 3 Dwarven Armory Mastery feats which equals a total of +8 with a 26 Dex.
10 Base
10 +5 Mith BP
8 Dex Bonus
7 +5 Mith Heavy Shield
4 Insight Bonus
5 Combat Expertise (Used only while Intimidating)
5 Protection Item
3 Barkskin pot
2 Aura
2 Chaos Guards
1 Armor Ritual (Which I have collectibles waiting already)
1 Shield Ritual (Same as Above)
1 Haste Pot
1 Dodge
60 Self Buffed
Raid Buffed
4 Bard Songs
3 Pali-aura
2 Full Barkskin
2 Recitation
71 (Which I hope will be moderately respectable)
Optimal AC potential
3 Chattering Ring
3 Situational Boost for 20 seconds
2 Shield Blocking
79 Total
I may have missed some extra AC somewhere which is the main reason for the post. Trying to get some input to see if this is a decent idea or that I just missed a post of a character that was made this way.
Feats will be something like this.
Combat Expertise
And really that is all I need as far as feats go. I am not even sure how many more I will get since i'm at work and don't have generator. That is all I can remember off the top of my head, any and all input would be greatly appreciated.