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  1. #1
    Community Member dragons1ayer74's Avatar
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    Default Looking for a lvl 4 Hero Build

    I am looking for the best character build with a level 4 cap. Level 4 will be end game for this character.

    Preferable 28 point or drow
    Any Race
    Any Class Combination
    Must be strong at solo
    Must have good saves (being held on hard setting from trash caster is not ideal)
    Must be self sufficent (isnt a Plat sink to maintian with potions, wands, scrolls, etc)
    +1 Tomes can be used
    RR Gear can be used

    The character must be able to complete level 4 quest on elite difficulty and should not have a problem keeping up in level 8 quests on normal.

  2. #2
    Stormreach Advisor

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    Are you expecting to solo L4 quests on elite? Or do them with a group?

  3. #3
    Community Member dragons1ayer74's Avatar
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    I would like to be able to do them on solo elite or die tryiing (come close). I may not be able to handle all of them I know their is some tough ones I just am looking for some ideas for excelent low level builds.

  4. #4
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    battlecleric with mid to low wisdom or str based ranger would be your best bet
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  5. #5
    Community Member rawfocat's Avatar
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    Finesse TWF Ranger/Monk

    Evasion, good To Hit, use PA for damage, Drow for Rapier and SS focus, Ranger for wand usage, maxed stealth.

    A bit squishy, but OK AC

    AC: Get the bracers from WW and wear a robe with the effect you want, resist/power/haste/divine power.

    10 Base
    05 Dex
    04 Bracers
    03 Wis
    01 Alchemical
    01 Protection
    01 Favored Enemy
    25 (Unbuffed)

    03 barkskin pot
    04 shield clickie
    32 (Self buffed)

    Level 4 Lawful Good Drow Male
    (2 Monk / 2 Ranger)
    Hit Points: 70
    Spell Points: 0

    BAB: 3/3
    Fortitude: 8
    Reflex: 13
    Will: 7

    Starting Feat/Enhancement
    Base Stats Modified Stats
    Abilities (Level 1) (Level 4)
    Strength 14 [Starting 12] (+1 Item, +1 Ability Increase)
    Dexterity 20 [Starting 17] (+1 Item, +1 ranger dex, +1 drow dex)
    Constitution 16 [Starting 13] (+2 Item War beads, +1 Tome)
    Intelligence 10 [Starting 10]
    Wisdom 16 [Starting 15] (+1 Monk Wis)
    Charisma 10 [Starting 10]

    Max Hide, Move Silently and Spot for Ranger Levels, Con for monk

    Level 1 (Ranger)
    Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Reptillian
    Feat: (Selected) Weapon Finesse
    Feat: (Automatic) Bow Strength
    Enhancement: Ranger Energy Resistence Boost I
    Enhancement: Ranger Sprint Boost I
    Enhancement: Drow Melee Damage I

    Level 2 (Ranger)
    Feat: (Automatic) Rapid Shot
    Feat: (Automatic) Two Weapon Fighting
    Enhancement: Ranger Favored Defense I
    Enhancement: Ranger Dexterity I

    Level 3 (Monk)
    Feat: (Selected) Lightning Reflexes
    Feat: (Monk Bonus) Toughness
    Enhancement: Elven Dexterity I
    Enhancement: Ranger Favored Damage I

    Level 4 (Monk)
    Feat: (Monk Bonus) Power Attack
    Feat: (Automatic) Evasion
    Enhancement: Drow Melee Attack I
    Enhancement: Improved Drow Spell Resistence I
    Enhancement: Ranger Favored Resistance I
    Enhancement: Monk Wisdom I
    Last edited by rawfocat; 10-02-2008 at 04:51 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member dragons1ayer74's Avatar
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    Lifespawn by battle ceric you mean melee cleric right? What race (Dwarf, WF, other)? What stats (Wis how low, str how high)?

    I have a dwarf STR ranger and was pretty good early (and just got better and better) on but still had issues:
    -Will save was a weakness (held and curse)
    -The characeter really needs to be higher lvl than 4 to really shine (yes you can twf but not great, AC was good but not great, damge out put was good but still needed significant healing because he was not killing stuff fast enough with TWF or taking to long with a shield and sword)
    -I am not looking for a good character in this range and they will not be leveled past 4 I am looking for a real standout
    Last edited by dragons1ayer74; 10-02-2008 at 04:40 PM.

  7. #7
    Community Member Sue_Dark's Avatar
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    WF Wiz max int, high con/dex (or con/str... see a pattern?)

    self healing, check
    no holds, check
    no neg level, check
    the rustie is scarey, check

    spell list should include mage armor, shield, repair, niacs, shocking and MM at a minimum. Feats, mental toughness, extend, empower at L3.

    Charm and hypno are your friends.

    You cant be poisoned from all those blasted scorpions/spiders that seem to inhabit the lower level dungeons.

    you come with 25% fort, out of the box. So thats 1/4 of the crits on you and sneak attacks on you that wont land.
    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 2.96
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 3 Lawful Good Warforged Male
    (3 Wizard) 
    Hit Points: 41
    Spell Points: 268 
    BAB: 1\1
    Fortitude: 4
    Reflex: 3
    Will: 1
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Stats          Modified Stats
    Abilities        (Level 1)             (Level 3)
    Strength              8                     8
    Dexterity            14                    14
    Constitution         16                    16
    Intelligence         18                    19
    Wisdom                6                     6
    Charisma              6                     6
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 3)
    Balance               4                     5
    Bluff                 0                     1
    Concentration         7                    10
    Diplomacy            -2                    -2
    Disable Device        n/a                   n/a
    Haggle               -2                    -2
    Heal                 -2                    -2
    Hide                  2                     2
    Intimidate           -2                    -2
    Jump                  1                     2
    Listen               -2                    -2
    Move Silently         2                     2
    Open Lock             n/a                   n/a
    Perform              n/a                   n/a
    Repair                8                    11
    Search                4                     4
    Spot                 -2                    -2
    Swim                 -1                    -1
    Tumble                4                     5
    Use Magic Device     n/a                   n/a
    Level 1 (Wizard)
    Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Extend Spell
    Feat: (Selected) Mental Toughness
    Level 2 (Wizard)
    Level 3 (Wizard)
    Feat: (Selected) Empower Spell
    Enhancement: Wizard Concentration I
    Enhancement: Wizard Repair I
    Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Elements I
    Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Force I
    Enhancement: Wizard Elemental Manipulation I
    Enhancement: Wizard Force Manipulation I
    Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar I
    Enhancement: Wizard Intelligence I
    Enhancement: Wizard Wand Heightening I
    Enhancement: Warforged Inscribed Armor I
    Last edited by Sue Dark; 10-02-2008 at 04:54 PM.
    Fyshie the Tasty, of Thelanis
    Notit of Khyber
    I may not like what you have to say, but I will defend to the death, your right to say it.

  8. #8
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 2.96
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 4 Lawful Good Dwarf Male
    (4 Cleric) 
    Hit Points: 75
    Spell Points: 266 
    BAB: 3\3
    Fortitude: 7
    Reflex: 2
    Will: 6
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (32 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 4)
    Strength             18                    19
    Dexterity            12                    12
    Constitution         16                    17
    Intelligence          8                     8
    Wisdom               14                    15
    Charisma              6                     6
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 4)
    Balance               2                     6
    Bluff                -2                    -2
    Concentration         5                     8
    Diplomacy            -2                    -2
    Disable Device       n/a                   n/a
    Haggle               -2                    -2
    Heal                  2                     2
    Hide                  1                     1
    Intimidate           -2                    -2
    Jump                  4                     4
    Listen                2                     2
    Move Silently         1                     1
    Open Lock             n/a                   n/a
    Perform              n/a                   n/a
    Repair               -1                    -1
    Search               -1                     1
    Spot                  2                     2
    Swim                  4                     4
    Tumble                n/a                   n/a
    Use Magic Device     n/a                   n/a
    Level 1 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness
    Level 2 (Cleric)
    Level 3 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Stunning Blow
    Level 4 (Cleric)
    Enhancement: Dwarven Constitution I
    Enhancement: Dwarven Faith I
    Enhancement: Dwarven Spell Defense I
    Enhancement: Dwarven Spell Defense II
    Enhancement: Dwarven Tactics I
    Enhancement: Dwarven Toughness I
    Enhancement: Follower of the Sovereign Host
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic I
    Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot I
    Enhancement: Cleric Wisdom I
    Enhancement: Cleric Wand Mastery I
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  9. #9
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    Lvl 4 only? Paladin... but I doubt any build you create at lvl 4 will be anything but dragged along in a lvl 8 quest.

  10. #10
    Community Member Sue_Dark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawstCawz View Post
    Lvl 4 only? Paladin... but I doubt any build you create at lvl 4 will be anything but dragged along in a lvl 8 quest.
    L8 on normal is totally do-able by a pack of L4-5's. You just cant be a zergling or an idiot. Heck WW elite (somewhere around L4-5 Quest level) is totally do-able by a L1 group, if they play it smart and arent total noobs.
    Fyshie the Tasty, of Thelanis
    Notit of Khyber
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sue Dark View Post
    L8 on normal is totally do-able by a pack of L4-5's. You just cant be a zergling or an idiot. Heck WW elite (somewhere around L4-5 Quest level) is totally do-able by a L1 group, if they play it smart and arent total noobs.
    He specifically said "keep up", not "do lvl 8 quests with lowbies". Besides, I doubt they'll be able to complete the vons... totally not doable by a group of lvl 4-5's.

  12. #12
    Community Member dragons1ayer74's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawstCawz View Post
    Lvl 4 only? Paladin... but I doubt any build you create at lvl 4 will be anything but dragged along in a lvl 8 quest.
    Never done tangle root on hard (or deliras, stormcleave, sarrowdusk on normal) with a group of 6 lvl 3 and 4 characters? This is not the main purpose of this charcter but I just want it as an option.

    Sorry LawstCawz I didnt mean the character had to keep up with lvl 8 chracters and what they run just be able to soundly contribute to a lvl 8 quest so maybe in a 4-7lvl range group.
    Last edited by dragons1ayer74; 10-02-2008 at 04:54 PM.

  13. #13
    Community Member Sue_Dark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawstCawz View Post
    He specifically said "keep up", not "do lvl 8 quests with lowbies". Besides, I doubt they'll be able to complete the vons... totally not doable by a group of lvl 4-5's.
    Heh, no...

    he specifically said "not have a problem keeping up in level 8 quests on normal"

    to be honest, havent tried those yet. we usually end up leveling out of them too fast, cause we're doing everything else 3-4 levels below QL.

    I think i'll take my L3 over to house K this evening and see if it'll even let me get the series.
    Fyshie the Tasty, of Thelanis
    Notit of Khyber
    I may not like what you have to say, but I will defend to the death, your right to say it.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragons1ayer74 View Post
    Never done tangle root on hard (or deliras, stormcleave, sarrowdusk on normal) with a group of 6 lvl 3 and 4 characters? This is not the main purpose of this charcter but I just want it as an option.

    Sorry LawstCawz I didnt mean the character had to keep up with lvl 8 chracters and what they run just be able to soundly contribute to a lvl 8 quest so maybe in a 4-7lvl range group.
    ~sighz~ Trust me, I don't need quests listed off to me, especially some of the easiest quests for their lvl. If lvl 4 is end game, there are certain quests which you will not be able to have meaningful contribution unless you're a healbot or buffer, and then only a limited degree. Other quests you will not be able to accomplish with a group of lvl 4-5's, and this was all I was pointing out. For solo low lvls without 32 pt toons, drow paladins rock, all that needs to be said, and plenty people can back that up.

  15. #15
    Community Member dragons1ayer74's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sue Dark View Post
    WF Wiz max int, high con/dex (or con/str... see a pattern?)

    I think WF is a definat option but if I go this route I think I would etheir go and go more melee based caster with Arcane spell failure, 4 DR, lots of buffs, high ac (espically when needed) and can fight really good.
    Fig1 Wiz 3 or
    Fig2 Wiz 2 or
    Fig3 Wiz 1

    The problem for me with going strait wizard (and not going beyond 4) would be in elite runs of the Catacombs and trying to fight through the hordes of undead before you confront the Arch Bishop with only one shrine it would be even more grinding than it is and would be costly on resources if you where soloing it (yes you could do it just be painful IMO). Also with a wizard the ac is going to be low so slimes will suck as will quest with hordes of enemies where you mostly just run through.

    Any WF dumping WIS still needs to worry bigtime about curse fear and command although these conditons are seldom fatal.

  16. #16
    Community Member dragons1ayer74's Avatar
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    rawfocat I tried drow Paladin/Monk and even with high wis and high dex the ac is pretty bad (base 22 ish can pump to decent level for a short but it is work and you cant keep it up all the time). That said the drow Paladin/Monk was still an ok soloist but in a group was pretty weak and felt like a drag along.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragons1ayer74 View Post
    rawfocat I tried drow Paladin/Monk and even with high wis and high dex the ac is pretty bad (base 22 ish can pump to decent level for a short but it is work and you cant keep it up all the time). That said the drow Paladin/Monk was still an ok soloist but in a group was pretty weak and felt like a drag along.
    Have you tried a str based paladin wearing fullplate? At lvl 4, a mc gives up far more than it gains.

  18. #18
    Community Member dragons1ayer74's Avatar
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    Lifespawn what does you lvl 4 cleric build offer that spashing in one level of Fighter (possible Barbarain) wouldnt make slightly better then staing cleric?

  19. #19
    Community Member dragons1ayer74's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawstCawz View Post
    Have you tried a str based paladin wearing fullplate? At lvl 4, a mc gives up far more than it gains.
    I think MC add a lot espically at low levels. I did do a lvl 4 (actaully took him to cap too) WF Paladin and at level 4 a paladin with strength is pretty solid (but going the path of blades his AC was poor even with adm plating and a good docent). A pure paladin might be pretty good what stats/race (on a 28 point I like WF and Dwarfs but both make paladin a tough class) would you suggest?

  20. #20
    Community Member Seacog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragons1ayer74 View Post
    Never done tangle root on hard (or deliras, stormcleave, sarrowdusk on normal) with a group of 6 lvl 3 and 4 characters? This is not the main purpose of this charcter but I just want it as an option.

    Sorry LawstCawz I didnt mean the character had to keep up with lvl 8 chracters and what they run just be able to soundly contribute to a lvl 8 quest so maybe in a 4-7lvl range group.
    actually, not to pat myself on the back to hard.. but i once soloed TR elite with a level 6 ranger, no deaths, but i did use about 25 cure mod wands, 50+ haste pots, barkskin pots,aid pots,heroism pots, bull strength pots, cat pots,remove poison pots, 75+ restore pots and like 5000 arrows... took about 4-5 hours was extremly hard but fun as hell
    Communication of expectations is paramount to the mission's initiation, and should not hinder party progression due to lack of understanding the objectives.

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