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  1. #321
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    This is a first for me. Witnessing a thread necro'd TWO times. yeesh

  2. #322
    Community Member Nexx's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Trapdoor View Post
    I would like to start of by saying a few things about the Khyber server.
    There have been times that I have put people in their place, here are the all time stirlers that have created issues with certain people.
    I wont name names, but you can work out the people as you will.

    Stories of how "I" got my Bad Rep so have taken this story out, even though i WAS Wronged

    1) (as Vorpalsword) *Helping out Newbies doesnt pay sometimes.*
    I spent time , helping a total newb, a ranger alt of Uth(insert 3 letter colour here), i gave him a rez ring to help and an invite to my guild, coz he seemed nice. I also gave his friend, a SPELL storing ring, just to help her not have to Farm that desert for weeks, even though it was the only one I pulled ever to this day. the guy constantly did what was told him NOT to do in missions for larks, just because he thought it was fun, when i left the game for a bit, i gave him 500k plat. just coz i thought he would NEVER make that much himself. I Tried my best. When i came back, i put up with him in my groups coz thats the kind of guy I am. When he started sabotagueing a dragon raid, deliberately charging the dragon, and pulling the ele's behind the piller i booted him from guild, as many people complained.

    I'm sorry, I know what it's like to try and help the helpless. You can always help people who are willing to learn, but you sure as hell can't help stupid.

    2) (As Trapdoor, then yamantaka) *Asking to go on raids can be a moving experience*
    After being kicked from a large guild for "asking if the rogues could take it in turns on the dragon raid" the officer who kicked me, who i remember well, with his nasaly voice, who i still raided with because he half the time he has a good heart, even though he drinks too much. after i was kicked for NO JUST Reason. I went about my own way. When i made another rogue, it too joined the SAME guild. For months i played with them, until "someone found out that my alt was Trapdoor" then even though i had played with these people for months and raided with them, they decided to boot me from the guild AGAIN, for no reason AT ALL, except that my name was the one they had booted originally for suggesting that perhaps a second rogue could go along or take turns.. back in the day the lvl cap was way lower, lvl 10 or something /shrug.

    I think it was a bad idea to try and be apart of that guild knowing you were already on their blacklist. It only makes for bad blood down the road.

    3) (as yamantaka or vorpalsword) *Ddooring the chest can be a waiting game*
    One time during gianthold dragon blooding run, i accidently mistook a ddoor on the chest the wrong way and ended up looking like a goose. Apologies to E
    I read the original post and have to say that I give you kudos for changing this when you got the actual story straightened out.

    4) (as Vorpalsword or yamantaka) *Mess with the raid, lose the rep*
    Wolfer... somebody once intentionally with his cleric buddy ruined a dragon raid, he kept spawning ele's then running back to his cleric buddy to get rezzes when we told the cleric to stop rezzing him. etc. i then warned people doing raids with him in about his tactics, in order to prevent the same thing happening to him, the next time someone lost an item in von or stuffed up the puzzle, i might have got a little edgy thinking it was that guy and offended someone unintentionally

    I think when you're on edge you need to step away from the computer and take a breather. It's never good to offend someone even if unintentional, then they'll never want to group with you again because; hey who really wants to go through something like that?

    5) (As VORPALSWORD) *Steal from me and youll regret it*
    Edit, person claims to not have said bad things about me... /shrug
    Well, said person probably didn't say bad things about you and you're listening to the wrong people. But you shouldn't really care anyway, because this is a game. You'll meet TONS of other people who will actually enjoy your company...

    6) as Vorpalsword or Yamantaka *Some kids shouldnt be Seen OR heard!*
    Some little kid, Verl / something, joined a vod or hound raid, and was link dead the whole time as a cleric, because he wasnt participating, we wiped 3 times or something, back when you could re enter, it took hours of time away from people, he knew his connection was stuffed, and was link dead and laughing about it, eventually to get the job done, i took raid leader, after A VOTE, it was majority decided to kick him and get a cleric who Could do it, as he was link dead AGAIN at the time or something. we kicked him, and then joked about it because when your so frustrated over a game , you either laugh and loot, or turn off your computer.
    I don't think I would have voted on that...if you all knew he was doing it out of spite I would have kicked him and found someone ASAP instead of wasting everyone's time trying to get it done before actually getting someone else to fill the spot. I don't like having my time wasted - especially for something as easy as VoD/Hound.

    7) as (my brothers account) *Bad people get coal for christmas*
    I intentionally sent lumps of coal to Wizgoddess (Misput name in sorry my bad), till it filled her mailbox, after she was messing with me sending me stuff like bloodstones in the mail (the gem_) and hassling me, so i retaliated and accidently got my brothers account banned for 3 days, even AFTER i petitioned the gm and admitted it was me, and that they should ban MY account instead. needless to say, it was a silly thing to do, but it is done.
    First off, Wizgoddes is a DUDE. Secondly, I would have just reported them for spamming your mailbox with unwanted things. Instead of retaliating...

    8) I have Never Ripped anyone off, stolen items or such off them, or harrassed them. (cept for the guy who stole my loots on trade, maybe it was harrassment/shrug i got my stuff back
    There are 1 or 2 people i have made exception to never group with, however i Have let some of them raid with me anyway, just because thats the kind of person i am, Id rather have someone whos a GOOD PLAYER helping in a raid, then let my own ego get in the way of Everyone elses win.
    Gratz on getting your stuff back.

    9) if you Dont want me in your raids, leave your NAMES of ALL your alts in a PM, and I wont apply to Your raids, however, If thats the case, please dont expect me to let you join mine, if someone else is running it, and im in the raid, thats their call.
    I don't have a problem with you and if I did you'd be on my squelch list

    10) lots of people know me, If you mess with me, i generally take it like water off a fishes back, dont expect me to be your best buddy, but dont expect me to hate you, coz im not that type of person, I PLAY to escape reality, not get sucked into some peoples negativity.
    Good for you, that's the way it should be. Leave the highschool **** back where it belongs.. in highschool!

    More and more lately people have been trashing my character. If you have something to say, post it here, and ill deny or acknowledge it, but if You go mouthing off behind my back, then it shows YOUR character, that you cant say something to my face makes you look bad, and if it doesnt prove to the people your nastieness, then they are either gullable or just out to start ****.

    So the question is: Who is it that defines a persons Reputation? the Crowds of Seagulls or the Person throwing the chips? If you think that doesnt make sense, you should hear me when im tired 8p
    Im a Lover not a hater.

    Battlelord 16
    Vorpalsword 16
    Yamantaka 16
    Trapdoor 15
    Lazybones 8
    Timewarp 3

    I put Vorpalsword in his place in PvP
    long time ago.
    I pwned him in PvP
    with my melee ranger...
    Laughing at you G.

  3. #323
    Community Member
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    Sep 2006


    super necro!

    Q&A is the business of pointing out others' failures. Optimists need not apply.

  4. #324
    Community Member NXPlasmid's Avatar
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    Ragoul, necromeister extrordinare!

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