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I have an older 28 point pure fighter, that used to be THF, and was basically completely gimped. I wasnt even playing her anymore because she was dragging the parties down, but one day i decided to revive her so that i would have another shroud runner. With a bit of work, I slowly respec'd her to fully slash spec'd TWF with adequate intimidating and blocking (enough to either intimidate hound or lieutentants in VOD on normal). 26 blocking DR, 47 buffed intim.
With a bit more crafting, a better intim item (currently only have a +13), and some more raid loot I think I will manage ok on hard ratings in these quests. When equiped a bit better (and a bit more feat switching) she will have 38 blocking DR, and 59 buffed intim
Enough feats to get all this, full slash spec and full TWF.. I'm not complaining anymore (also remembering that it was only a 28 pointer.. not that this affects feats but with a 32 you could easily break 60 intim)
Sure, it's not as much dps as a raged barbarian, but with fighter haste boost and shroud weaponry, damage becomes significant (I know its short, but 5 boosts are enough to get you through most of rounds 4 and 5 in shroud.. and with two vorpals a double hasted fighter can really chop apart regular mobs).
I guess it just depends on what you want your fighter to do, but with the current spectrum of end game quests, you can contribute quite nicely with a pure fighter that has decent intim/blocking/moderate dps.