Trying to figure out what greensteel item I should be aiming to make for my Drow Wizard. I figure a scepter with +3 exceptional Int would be the way to go, but not sure what bonuses I should try to get, nor am I certain that this is the best route anyway.
I think to carry a weapon set for fire (Superior Potency VI/Superior Fire Lore), ice (" "/" Ice Lore), and Acid. Napkin takes care of everything else, along with that necklace with Spell Pen. VI. My questions are:
-Is there an item I can look for to replace either the potency or lore scepters I'm carrying around?
-Is the Greater Arcane Lore on the Blue Dragonscale Robe worth having (because it saves a slot) vs. the Superior Lore on the scepters?
-Should I instead make SP Goggles as my first item?
-What bonus effects should I be aiming for?