Hi everyone,
Just had a question regarding UMD skill on a Sorcerer, and a command item.
A command item says that it will give a +2 bonus on charisma related skill checks.
When equiping said item on my sorcerer however, I don't see any change in my *listed* UMD skill rank, or to the *listed* failure chance on wands/etc.
Has anyone played around with this themselves?
I had assumed that it would work (and tracked down the only command items I could find on the AH) to give me a better UMD rank, but I'm not sure if it will work 'behind the scenes' improving the skill result as I use it but without actually showing anywhere.
I am not sure how to test it other than getting an item that should have 90% success normally, equiping the command item, and then just keep using it (or getting an item that I have 0% chance at using due to UMD level (but okay at level requirement), and keep trying to see if it works on the 10% side of things).
I look forward to hearing others experiences on this...