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Thread: WTT Bloodstone

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  1. #1
    Founder Alexander_Illusioni's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default WTT Bloodstone

    EDIT: Traded for royal guard mask.

    I would trade this even up for a Royal Guard Mask (tele helm) or, looking for a minimum 2 large scales, 2 large stones (no need to bid lower than that, I would just hang onto the bloodstone for another character instead), I also need arrows but do not need any of the other larges.

    Post bids here or PM them to me.

    Last edited by Alexander Illusionist; 09-30-2008 at 10:15 AM.

    haha, no. While a lead designer's job is to balance the game as a whole, each system designer (and each level designer/content guy) is responsible for their own little bit of the game. So as such, I balance spells/enhancements, graal has items and treasure, and Eladrin runs around going "raaar!" a lot. I think he does monsters.

  2. #2
    Community Member Ryavin's Avatar
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    Jun 2006

    Default Hey

    Hey Alex,

    Catch up with me in game and we will work something out for it.

  3. #3
    2015 DDO Players Council
    Saaluta's Avatar
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    PM sent

    "Fools said I, you do not know. Silence like a cancer grows, hear my words that I might teach you, take my hand that I might reach you, but my words like silent raindrops fell...."-Paul Simon "Day after day, we caught no breath or motion. As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean."--Coleridge

  4. #4
    Founder Alexander_Illusioni's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Three nice offers so offer: 2 scales 2 stones and a +2 str tome.

    I will keep this up at least a day, in hopes of getting a royal guard mask, and will keep the top bid posted, so others know what is happening.

    Thanks for the interest from all so far.

    haha, no. While a lead designer's job is to balance the game as a whole, each system designer (and each level designer/content guy) is responsible for their own little bit of the game. So as such, I balance spells/enhancements, graal has items and treasure, and Eladrin runs around going "raaar!" a lot. I think he does monsters.

  5. #5
    Community Member Vizzini's Avatar
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    Aug 2007


    I don't have any larges to offer, but I'll trade you a royal guard mask for it in 15 min.
    ~Requeim ~ Aviale ~ Tomein ~ Twillee ~ Vizzini
    Officer of Fallen Heroes
    Quote Originally Posted by Keeper
    <+Keeper> Monks make the best guacamole..

  6. #6
    Founder Alexander_Illusioni's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    I just tried all your toons, I will try later, have a meeting to go too.

    haha, no. While a lead designer's job is to balance the game as a whole, each system designer (and each level designer/content guy) is responsible for their own little bit of the game. So as such, I balance spells/enhancements, graal has items and treasure, and Eladrin runs around going "raaar!" a lot. I think he does monsters.

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