I went to my guild and asked what the true value was in current game terms and here is what I am going to put out there for now:
Bloodstones x 1: will trade for 3 scales and 5-6 misc larges (EACH) (haggling is acceptable) (one sold)
keen ss of smiting
unholy burst longsword (woooo)
+1 banishing ss
+1 bodyfeeder adamantine ss of puncturing
+6 con neck rr halfling x2
+6 dex gloves +3 heal rr WF
+6 cha cloak rr halfling
crystalize widows eye
ring of the dijinn
White dragon helm
black dragon helm
+2 str tome
+2 con tome
+2 wis tome
+1 dex tome
+1 con tome
+1 wis tome
Looking for:
spectral gloves
transmuting kamas high + and pure good