Is it more alchemical rituals, or are we talking full fledged Green Steel Armors?
Is it more alchemical rituals, or are we talking full fledged Green Steel Armors?
what where how, Can any one point me in the direction of said post?
Prophits of the New Republic-- Khyber--PnP Vetren of more years then I wish to admit
Desteria MoonStar-Sorc20--Mcgruf The Crime Dog-Dwarf Ftr12/Pal3/Rgr5Annibelle of the Woods-Rgr20--St.Fut H'Tennek-H-Orc Barb 20Kwaiii Chang Caine-Monk 20--Sandradee-Bard 3
From the Stormreach chronicles:
Module 8 will feature a new series of Eldritch recipes used in the creation of Dragontouched Armor
Doesn't Eldritch Device refer to the devices outside the Marketplace Bank and the Tower of the Twelve rather than the altars associated with the shroud and so also Eldritch Recipes?
Vorn, 30 Fighter
could it be scales collected from black, blue and white undead dragons???
God I hope not
Just a silly question, but why is anyone getting excited about crafting armor? The only way I will get excited about the new dragontouched armor is if it has the same relative power jump as greensteel wepons had. Do I really think Turbine is going to do that, no. So what are we going to see, lots of people grinind out all the stuff that can be made and the response will either be WOW, this stuff rocks or UGH, this stuff blows. I mean, this is armor we are talking about here people. The stuff that most builds have religated to either the crippling chain or the bp of destruction as they are the most usefull of raid armors, and if not raid armors, then something that helps like a greater resist or fearsome.
But if Turbine makes the smart move to make great armors and shields and NOT cloth, then maybe it will help non-dex class get back into the AC race.
Why, it will just be another chunk of gear that they have to grind for so that they can get their AC up to a point that matters, where dex based classes can run around in pajamas using 2 sharp pointy sticks laughing at the armor bound fighthers. I personaly could give a crud less if the new armors are great or not, I have a gut feeling that they won't be what we need to get the vast majority of armor wearing toons up into a usefull AC range.
I know that we have builds that can S&B up to usefull AC levels and still be viable in DPS situations. But they are gear intensive and don't really shine till they get all their raid gear and tomes and such.
Personaly I would rather they work more on new quests and getting Abbott puggable so that people will want to run it instead of laughing when anyone mentions trying to pug it. But if new craftable armor makes you happy, by all means look forward to it.
I drink harder than you, ride harder than you and if I have spare time I might just play this game too.
Shinarel Arashin, Arishna, Tosshin, Castshin, A warforged named 5u3
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