True Neutral Drow 14 Wizard/2 Rouge
Concept: My friend recently upgraded his computer and I convinced him to try to play DDO. Knowing that most (if not all) 28-pt builds are gimped, I said I would help him achieve his 400 favor in order to unlock drow. Now, taking and idea from my guildy, I decided to make him a wiz/rog combo. My biggest decision was whether to take lvl 8 spells, or evasion. Eventually, I opted out for evasion, and the rouge lvl allows me to max out UMD. *Since this build is for a new player, I went easy on the tomes and didn't include as much raid loot in the main build (Its all there in best possible equipment, though)
Starting Stats (28-pt)
DEX 14
CON 14
INT 20
CHA 10
Ending Stats (28-pt)
DEX 20 (6 Item)
CON 20 (6 Item )
INT 36 (6 Item +4 Lvl +2 Tome* +1 Shroud +3 Enhc)
CHA 16 (6 Item)
*Use +1 int tome before taking your 4th lvl. Alternatively, take a +2 int tome at lvl 1.
HP: 226 +34
20 Heroic Durability
56 Wizard
12 Rogue
80 CON
18 Minos Legens
10 Favor
30 GFL
+20 False Life Spell
+14 GH
SP: 1379
600 Wizard
80 Magical Training
299 INT
80 Mental Toughness
80 Improved Mental Toughness
40 Enhc
150 Wizadry VI
50 Shroud
AC: 29 (51 [Fully buffed and blocking])
10 Base
5 Dex
4 Shield
4 Shield of Faith
2 Defensive Fighting
1 Haste
4 Mage Armor
3 Barskin Potion
(5 Aura)
(5 Barkskin)
(4 Icy Raiment)
(5 Prot)
(7 Skyvault Shield)
(2 Blocking)
(7 Armor Bracers)
Saves: 16/27/15
4/4/9 Wizard
0/3/0 Rogue
5/13/-1 Ability
3/3/3 Nightshield
4/4/4 GH
Disable Device: 61 (62)
19 Ranks
11 Ability
2 Nimble Fingers
3 Ventilated Bracers
1 Skill Boost
4 GH
15 Item
7 Tools
Search: 49 (50)
19 Ranks
11 Ability
1 Rog Enhc
1 Elf Enhc
2 Elf Innate
4 GH
1 Skill Boost
15 Item
Open Lock: 53 (54)
19 Ranks
5 Ability
2 Nimble Fingers
1 Rog Enhc
1 Skill Boost
4 GH
7 Tools
15 Item
UMD: 29 (30)
19 Ranks
3 Ability
4 GH
3 Cartouche
1 Skill Boost
Leveling Guide:
Ability Raises: Always raise INT
1) Nimble Fingers
2) (Bonus) Empower Spell
3) Mental Toughness
6) Heighten Spell (Bonus): Extend Spell
9) Improved Mental Toughness
11) Maximize Spell
12) Insightful Reflexes
15) Spell Penetration
Classes, Spells* and, Skills:
Level 1 (Rogue)
Balance (+4)
Concentration (+2)
Diplomacy (+4)
Disable Device (+4)
Haggle (+4)
Hide (+4)
Move Silently (+4)
Open Lock (+4)
Repair (+4)
Search (+4)
Spot (+4)
Tumble (+4)
Use Magic Device (+4)
Level 2 (Wizard)
Concentration (+1)
Disable Device (+1)
Open Lock (+1)
Search (+1)
Spell (1): Burning Hands
Spell (1): Charm Person
Spell (1): Feather Fall
Spell (1): Hypnotism
Spell (1): Jump
Spell (1): Magic Missle
Spell (1): Niac's Cold Ray
Spell (1): Chill Touch
Spell (1): Ray of Enfeeblement
Level 3 (Wizard)
Concentration (+1)
Disable Device (+1)
Open Lock (+1)
Search (+1)
Spell (1): Shield
Spell (1): Tumble
Level 4 (Wizard)
Ability Raise: INT
Concentration (+2)
Disable Device (+1)
Open Lock (+1)
Search (+1)
Spell (2): Scorching Ray
Spell (2): Web
Level 5 (Wizard)
Concentration (+2)
Disable Device (+1)
Open Lock (+1)
Search (+1)
Spell (2): Resist Energy
Spell (2): Command Undead
Level 6 (Wizard)
Concentration (+1)
Disable Device (+1)
Open Lock (+1)
Search (+1)
Use Magic Device (+0.5)
Spell (3): Haste
Spell (3): Fireball
Level 7 (Wizard)
Concentration (+1)
Disable Device (+1)
Open Lock (+1)
Search (+1)
Use Magic Device (+0.5)
Spell (3): Rage
Spell (2): Invisibility
Level 8 (Wizard)
Ability Raise: INT
Concentration (+1)
Disable Device (+1)
Open Lock (+1)
Search (+1)
Use Magic Device (+0.5)
Spell (2): Blur
Spell (4): Wall of Fire
Level 9 (Wizard)
Concentration (+1)
Disable Device (+1)
Open Lock (+1)
Search (+1)
Use Magic Device (+0.5)
Spell (4): Stoneskin
Spell (4): Phantasmal Killer
Level 10 (Wizard)
Concentration (+1)
Disable Device (+1)
Open Lock (+1)
Search (+1)
Use Magic Device (+0.5)
Spell (5): Hold Monster
Spell (5): Cloudkill
Level 11 (Wizard)
Concentration (+1)
Disable Device (+1)
Open Lock (+1)
Search (+1)
Use Magic Device (+0.5)
Spell (5): Cone of Cold
Spell (4): Solid Fog
Level 12 (Wizard)
Concentration (+1)
Disable Device (+1)
Open Lock (+1)
Search (+1)
Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (6): Greater Heroism
Spell (6): Flesh to Stone
Level 13 (Wizard)
Concentration (+1)
Disable Device (+1)
Open Lock (+1)
Search (+1)
Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (6): Disintegrate
Spell (6): Mass Suggestion
Level 14 (Wizard)
Concentration (+1)
Disable Device (+1)
Open Lock (+1)
Search (+1)
Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (7): Finger of Death
Spell (7): Otto's Sphere of Dancing
Level 15 (Wizard)
Concentration (+1)
Disable Device (+1)
Open Lock (+1)
Search (+1)
Use Magic Device (+1)
Spell (7): Delayed Blast Fireball
Spell (7): Banishment
Level 16 (Rogue)
Concentration (+1)
Disable Device (+1)
Move Silently (+2)
Open Lock (+1)
Search (+1)
Use Magic Device (+8)
*Choosing Spells is tough. These are some of the core spells which you should take at each level. Fortunately you can buy scrolls of all the spells you want, so it turns out fine.
Endgame Enhancements:
Enhancement: Rogue Skill Boost I
Enhancement: Elven Perception I
Enhancement: Wizard Improved Heightening I
Enhancement: Wizard Improved Heightening II
Enhancement: Wizard Improved Maximizing I
Enhancement: Rogue Open Lock I
Enhancement: Rogue Search I
Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Elements I
Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Deadly Elements I
Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Deadly Elements II
Enhancement: Wizard Energy Manipulation I
Enhancement: Wizard Energy Manipulation II
Enhancement: Wizard Energy Manipulation III
Enhancement: Wizard Elemental Manipulation I
Enhancement: Wizard Elemental Manipulation II
Enhancement: Wizard Elemental Manipulation III
Enhancement: Wizard Elemental Manipulation IV
Enhancement: Wizard Spell Penetration I
Enhancement: Wizard Spell Penetration II
Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar I
Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar II
Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar III
Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar IV
Enhancement: Wizard Intelligence I
Enhancement: Wizard Intelligence II
Enhancement: Wizard Intelligence III
Enhancement: Elven Perception I
Enhancement: Wizard Improved Heightening I
Enhancement: Wizard Improved Heightening II
Enhancement: Wizard Improved Maximizing I
Enhancement: Rogue Open Lock I
Enhancement: Rogue Search I
Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Elements I
Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Deadly Elements I
Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Deadly Elements II
Enhancement: Wizard Energy Manipulation I
Enhancement: Wizard Energy Manipulation II
Enhancement: Wizard Energy Manipulation III
Enhancement: Wizard Elemental Manipulation I
Enhancement: Wizard Elemental Manipulation II
Enhancement: Wizard Elemental Manipulation III
Enhancement: Wizard Elemental Manipulation IV
Enhancement: Wizard Spell Penetration I
Enhancement: Wizard Spell Penetration II
Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar I
Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar II
Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar III
Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar IV
Enhancement: Wizard Intelligence I
Enhancement: Wizard Intelligence II
Enhancement: Wizard Intelligence III
Best Possible Equipment:
Head: Minos Legens
Goggles: T3 Existential Stalemate Goggles*
Necklace: CON +6 or Torque of Prince Raiyum-de-II
Robe: Blue Dragonscale Robe or Icy Raiment
Bracers: Glacial Bracers or Armor +7
Ring 1: Concentration +15 Ring or Featherfalling Ring
Ring 2: Ring of Thelis
Gloves: Gloves of the Glacier
Boots: Striding +30%
Belt: Greater False Life
Cloak: Stormreaver's Napkin or Protection +5
Shield: Skyvualt Shield
* T1: Wizadry VI or HP +5(Pos) T2: SP +50 (Neg) T3: SP +150 (Pos) and any Negative
Equipment to Switch out for when using rogue skills:
Golden Cartouche
+15 Disable Device Item
+15 Open Lock Item
+15 Search Item
Ventilated Bracers
Superior Potency VI
Superior Combustion VII
Superior Fire Lore
Superior Ice Lore
Superior Lightning Lore
Superior Acid Lore
T3 Int Dagger*
2x Wounding of Puncturing Rapier (for Held Creatures)
*T1: CHA +6 (Any) T2: Int +1 (Neg) T3: Int +2 (Neg)
Gameplay: Play like any generalist caster (firewalls where appropriate; pk/FoD/banish where appropriate; crowd control where appropriate). However, you have decent hp and evasion, adding to your survivability. Also, when the group needs someone who can disable a trap or open a door, you can answer their need by taking care of it, and your UMD should be high enough to use Heal scrolls occasionally, but more importantly, you can use raise dead scrolls most of the time, as well as healing wands. When you use invisibility, and you sneak, you might be able to get past the less perceptive mobs by sneaking (You only need to make a move silently check, invisibility counters hide). Or you can stand still and be undetectable by the enemy.